
All mewling synonyms

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noun mewling

  • yammer β€” to whine or complain.
  • quack β€” a fraudulent or ignorant pretender to medical skill.
  • yelp β€” to give a quick, sharp, shrill cry, as a dog or fox.
  • screech β€” to utter or make a harsh, shrill cry or sound: The child screeched hysterically. The brakes screeched.
  • bay β€” A bay is a part of a coast where the land curves inwards.
  • pipe β€” a large cask, of varying capacity, especially for wine or oil.
  • uproar β€” a state of violent and noisy disturbance, as of a multitude; turmoil.
  • gobble β€” to swallow or eat hastily or hungrily in large pieces; gulp.
  • yell β€” to cry out or speak with a strong, loud, clear sound; shout: He always yells when he is angry.
  • coo β€” When a dove or pigeon coos, it makes the soft sounds that doves and pigeons typically make.
  • trill β€” to cause to flow in a thin stream.
  • caw β€” When a bird such as a crow or a rook caws, it makes a loud harsh sound.
  • moo β€” MUD Object Oriented
  • whinny β€” to utter the characteristic cry of a horse; neigh.
  • nicker β€” a person or thing that nicks.
  • meow β€” the characteristic sound a cat makes.
  • cry β€” When you cry, tears come from your eyes, usually because you are unhappy or hurt.
  • squeal β€” a somewhat prolonged, sharp, shrill cry, as of pain, fear, or surprise.
  • yip β€” to bark sharply, as a young dog.
  • yoo-hoo β€” to get or attempt to get someone's attention by or as if by calling β€œyoo-hoo”: yoo-hooing across the back fence.

verb mewling

  • bemoan β€” If you bemoan something, you express sorrow or dissatisfaction about it.
  • bewail β€” If you bewail something, you express great sorrow about it.
  • sniff β€” to draw air through the nose in short, audible inhalations.
  • regret β€” to feel sorrow or remorse for (an act, fault, disappointment, etc.): He no sooner spoke than he regretted it.
  • lament β€” to feel or express sorrow or regret for: to lament his absence.
  • sorrow β€” distress caused by loss, affliction, disappointment, etc.; grief, sadness, or regret.
  • whimper β€” to cry with low, plaintive, broken sounds.
  • keen β€” finely sharpened, as an edge; so shaped as to cut or pierce substances readily: a keen razor.
  • snivel β€” to weep or cry with sniffling.
  • caterwaul β€” If a person or animal caterwauls, they make a loud, high, unpleasant noise like the noise that cats make when they fight.
  • blubber β€” Blubber is the fat of whales, seals, and similar sea animals.
  • yowl β€” to utter a long, distressful or dismal cry, as an animal or a person; howl.
  • deplore β€” If you say that you deplore something, you think it is very wrong or immoral.
  • mewl β€” to cry, as a baby, young child, or the like; whimper.
  • blub β€” If someone blubs, they cry because they are unhappy or frightened.
  • drip β€” to let drops fall; shed drops: This faucet drips.
  • ululate β€” to howl, as a dog or a wolf; hoot, as an owl.
  • bleat β€” When a sheep or goat bleats, it makes the sound that sheep and goats typically make.
  • pule β€” to cry in a thin voice; whine; whimper.
  • object β€” anything that is visible or tangible and is relatively stable in form.
  • bellyache β€” Bellyache is a pain inside your abdomen, especially in your stomach.
  • grouse β€” any of numerous gallinaceous birds of the subfamily Tetraoninae. Compare black grouse, capercaillie, ruffed grouse, spruce grouse.
  • carp β€” A carp is a kind of fish that lives in lakes and rivers.
  • gripe β€” Informal. to complain naggingly or constantly; grumble.
  • drone β€” Music. a continuous low tone produced by the bass pipes or bass strings of musical instruments. the pipes (especially of the bagpipe) or strings producing this tone. a bagpipe equipped with such pipes.
  • repine β€” to be fretfully discontented; fret; complain.
  • kick β€” to strike with the foot or feet: to kick the ball; to kick someone in the shins.
  • murmur β€” a low, continuous sound, as of a brook, the wind, or trees, or of low, indistinct voices.
  • choke up β€” to block (a drain, pipe, etc) completely
  • crack up β€” If someone cracks up, they are under such a lot of emotional strain that they become mentally ill.
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