
All maximise synonyms

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verb maximise

  • make the most of β€” in the greatest quantity, amount, measure, degree, or number: to win the most votes.
  • exploit β€” Make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).
  • take advantage of β€” any state, circumstance, opportunity, or means specially favorable to success, interest, or any desired end: the advantage of a good education.
  • increase β€” to make greater, as in number, size, strength, or quality; augment; add to: to increase taxes.
  • expand β€” explain
  • amplify β€” If you amplify a sound, you make it louder, usually by using electronic equipment.
  • raise β€” to move to a higher position; lift up; elevate: to raise one's hand; sleepy birds raising their heads and looking about.
  • boost β€” If one thing boosts another, it causes it to increase, improve, or be more successful.
  • augment β€” To augment something means to make it larger, stronger, or more effective by adding something to it.
  • enlarge β€” Make or become bigger or more extensive.
  • extend β€” Cause to cover a larger area; make longer or wider.
  • blow up β€” If someone blows something up or if it blows up, it is destroyed by an explosion.
  • bloat β€” to swell or cause to swell, as with a liquid, air, or wind
  • escalate β€” Increase rapidly.
  • exaggerate β€” Represent (something) as being larger, greater, better, or worse than it really is.
  • magnify β€” to increase the apparent size of, as a lens does.
  • overestimate β€” to estimate at too high a value, amount, rate, or the like: Don't overestimate the car's trade-in value.
  • pad β€” Packet Assembler/Disassembler
  • widen β€” Make or become wider.
  • aerate β€” To aerate a substance means to cause air or gas to pass through it.
  • aggrandize β€” To aggrandize someone means to make them seem richer, more powerful, and more important than they really are. To aggrandize a building means to make it more impressive.
  • balloon β€” A balloon is a small, thin, rubber bag that you blow air into so that it becomes larger and rounder or longer. Balloons are used as toys or decorations.
  • cram β€” If you cram things or people into a container or place, you put them into it, although there is hardly enough room for them.
  • dilate β€” to make wider or larger; cause to expand.
  • distend β€” Swell or cause to swell by pressure from inside.
  • exalt β€” Hold (someone or something) in very high regard; think or speak very highly of.
  • pyramid β€” Architecture. (in ancient Egypt) a quadrilateral masonry mass having smooth, steeply sloping sides meeting at an apex, used as a tomb. (in ancient Egypt and pre-Columbian Central America) a quadrilateral masonry mass, stepped and sharply sloping, used as a tomb or a platform for a temple.
  • spread β€” to draw, stretch, or open out, especially over a flat surface, as something rolled or folded (often followed by out).
  • stretch β€” to draw out or extend (oneself, a body, limbs, wings, etc.) to the full length or extent (often followed by out): to stretch oneself out on the ground.
  • surcharge β€” an additional charge, tax, or cost.
  • beef up β€” If you beef up something, you increase, strengthen, or improve it.
  • build up β€” If you build up something or if it builds up, it gradually becomes bigger, for example because more is added to it.
  • flesh out β€” the soft substance of a human or other animal body, consisting of muscle and fat.
  • pump up β€” an apparatus or machine for raising, driving, exhausting, or compressing fluids or gases by means of a piston, plunger, or set of rotating vanes.
  • overdo β€” to do to excess; overindulge in: to overdo dieting.
  • overstate β€” to state too strongly; exaggerate: to overstate one's position in a controversy.
  • overuse β€” to use too much or too often: to overuse an expression.
  • accent β€” Someone who speaks with a particular accent pronounces the words of a language in a distinctive way that shows which country, region, or social class they come from.
  • accentuate β€” To accentuate something means to emphasize it or make it more noticeable.
  • dramatise β€” to put into a form suitable for acting on a stage.
  • hyperbolize β€” to use hyperbole; exaggerate.
  • mug β€” a drinking cup, usually cylindrical in shape, having a handle, and often of a heavy substance, as earthenware.
  • overact β€” (of an actor) act a role in an exaggerated manner.
  • overdraw β€” to draw upon (an account, allowance, etc.) in excess of the balance standing to one's credit or at one's disposal: It was the first time he had ever overdrawn his account.
  • overstress β€” overemphasize.
  • overwork β€” to cause to work too hard, too much, or too long; weary or exhaust with work (often used reflexively): Don't overwork yourself on that new job.
  • lay it on thick β€” to put or place in a horizontal position or position of rest; set down: to lay a book on a desk.
  • point up β€” a sharp or tapering end, as of a dagger.
  • show off β€” a theatrical production, performance, or company.
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