
All laggard synonyms

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noun laggard

  • straggler β€” to stray from the road, course, or line of march.
  • linger β€” to remain or stay on in a place longer than is usual or expected, as if from reluctance to leave: We lingered awhile after the party.
  • slowpoke β€” a person who makes slow progress.
  • loafer β€” a person who loafs; lazy person; idler.
  • idler β€” the state or quality of being idle.
  • dawdler β€” to waste time; idle; trifle; loiter: Stop dawdling and help me with these packages!
  • lounger β€” a person or thing that lounges.
  • lazybones β€” a lazy person.
  • shirker β€” a person who evades work, duty, responsibility, etc.
  • slacker β€” a slack condition or part.
  • slowcoach β€” a slowpoke.

adjective laggard

  • slow-footed β€” proceeding at a slow pace.
  • slack β€” not tight, taut, firm, or tense; loose: a slack rope.
  • snoozy β€” to sleep; slumber; doze; nap.
  • leisurely β€” acting, proceeding, or done without haste; unhurried; deliberate: a leisurely conversation.
  • wishful β€” having or showing a wish; desirous; longing.
  • hyper-energetic β€” possessing or exhibiting energy, especially in abundance; vigorous: an energetic leader.
  • stuporous β€” suspension or great diminution of sensibility, as in disease or as caused by narcotics, intoxicants, etc.: He lay there in a drunken stupor.
  • stretchy β€” having a tendency to stretch, especially excessively or unduly.
  • unready β€” not ready; not made ready: The new stadium is as yet unready for use.
  • in a bind β€” in a difficult situation
  • neb β€” a bill or beak, as of a bird.
  • not done β€” improper, inappropriate
  • draggy β€” moving or developing very slowly.
  • behindhand β€” If someone is behindhand, they have been delayed or have made less progress in their work than they or other people think they should.
  • wimpy β€” of, relating to, or characteristic of a wimp.
  • shiftless β€” lacking in resourcefulness; inefficient; lazy.
  • laid back β€” relaxed or unhurried: laid-back music rhythms.
  • directionless β€” the act or an instance of directing.
  • lazy β€” averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent.
  • unaccommodating β€” easy to deal with; eager to help or please; obliging.
  • otiose β€” being at leisure; idle; indolent.
  • slow β€” moving or proceeding with little or less than usual speed or velocity: a slow train.
  • slow-moving β€” proceeding with or characterized by slow, sluggish, or leisurely movement or activity.
  • cheerful β€” Someone who is cheerful is happy and shows this in their behaviour.
  • dilatory β€” tending to delay or procrastinate; slow; tardy.
  • slothful β€” sluggardly; indolent; lazy.
  • unambitious β€” having ambition; eagerly desirous of achieving or obtaining success, power, wealth, a specific goal, etc.: ambitious students.
  • against the grain β€” contrary to one's feelings, nature, wishes, etc.; irritating or displeasing
  • hastily β€” moving or acting with haste; speedy; quick; hurried.
  • lethargic β€” of, relating to, or affected with lethargy; drowsy; sluggish; apathetic.
  • out of it β€” away from, or not in, the normal or usual place, position, state, etc.: out of alphabetical order; to go out to dinner.
  • snail β€” any mollusk of the class Gastropoda, having a spirally coiled shell and a ventral muscular foot on which it slowly glides about.
  • tardy β€” late; behind time; not on time: How tardy were you today?
  • reluctant β€” unwilling; disinclined: a reluctant candidate.
  • industrious β€” working energetically and devotedly; hard-working; diligent: an industrious person.
  • hebetudinous β€” the state of being dull; lethargy.

adverb laggard

  • behind time β€” late
  • behind β€” If something is behind a thing or person, it is on the other side of them from you, or nearer their back rather than their front.
  • in arrears β€” in arrears, behind or late, especially in payment: She was three months in arrears on her mortgage and credit card payments. Also, Chiefly Law, in arrear.
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