
All kinking synonyms

K k

verb kinking

  • bend β€” When you bend, you move the top part of your body downwards and forwards. Plants and trees also bend.
  • snarl β€” to become tangled; get into a tangle.
  • trap β€” a ladder or ladderlike device used to reach a loft, attic, etc.
  • buckle β€” A buckle is a piece of metal or plastic attached to one end of a belt or strap, which is used to fasten it.
  • writhe β€” to twist the body about, or squirm, as in pain, violent effort, etc.
  • curve β€” A curve is a smooth, gradually bending line, for example part of the edge of a circle.
  • contort β€” If someone's face or body contorts or is contorted, it moves into an unnatural and unattractive shape or position.
  • twist β€” to combine, as two or more strands or threads, by winding together; intertwine.
  • fold β€” to confine (sheep or other domestic animals) in a fold.
  • twirl β€” to cause to rotate rapidly; spin; revolve; whirl.
  • coil β€” A coil of rope or wire is a length of it that has been wound into a series of loops.
  • perplex β€” to cause to be puzzled or bewildered over what is not understood or certain; confuse mentally: Her strange response perplexed me.
  • tie up β€” that with which anything is tied.
  • confuse β€” If you confuse two things, you get them mixed up, so that you think one of them is the other one.
  • obstruct β€” to block or close up with an obstacle; make difficult to pass: Debris obstructed the road.
  • interlock β€” to fit into each other, as parts of machinery, so that all action is synchronized.
  • involve β€” to include as a necessary circumstance, condition, or consequence; imply; entail: This job involves long hours and hard work.
  • hamper β€” to hold back; hinder; impede: A steady rain hampered the progress of the work.
  • discompose β€” to upset the order of; disarrange; disorder; unsettle: The breeze discomposed the bouquet.
  • interweave β€” to weave together, as threads, strands, branches, or roots.
  • interlace β€” progressive coding
  • jam β€” to press, squeeze, or wedge tightly between bodies or surfaces, so that motion or extrication is made difficult or impossible: The ship was jammed between two rocks.
  • derange β€” to disturb the order or arrangement of; throw into disorder; disarrange
  • ravel β€” to disentangle or unravel the threads or fibers of (a woven or knitted fabric, rope, etc.).
  • mat β€” a dull or dead surface, often slightly roughened, as on metals, paint, paper, or glass.
  • disorganize β€” to destroy the organization, systematic arrangement, or orderly connection of; throw into confusion or disorder.
  • unbalance β€” to throw or put out of balance.
  • mesh β€” any knit, woven, or knotted fabric of open texture.
  • catch β€” If you catch a person or animal, you capture them after chasing them, or by using a trap, net, or other device.
  • implicate β€” to show to be also involved, usually in an incriminating manner: to be implicated in a crime.
  • upset β€” to overturn: to upset a pitcher of milk.
  • convolute β€” to form into a twisted, coiled, or rolled shape
  • crook β€” A crook is a dishonest person or a criminal.
  • ripple β€” (of a liquid surface) to form small waves or undulations, as water agitated by a breeze.
  • twine β€” a strong thread or string composed of two or more strands twisted together.
  • undulate β€” to move with a sinuous or wavelike motion; display a smooth rising-and-falling or side-to-side alternation of movement: The flag undulates in the breeze.
  • spiral β€” Geometry. a plane curve generated by a point moving around a fixed point while constantly receding from or approaching it.
  • swirl β€” to move around or along with a whirling motion; whirl; eddy.
  • crimp β€” If you crimp something such as a piece of fabric or pastry, you make small folds in it.
  • roll β€” to move along a surface by revolving or turning over and over, as a ball or a wheel.
  • zigzag β€” a line, course, or progression characterized by sharp turns first to one side and then to the other.
  • wave β€” a member of the Waves.
  • snake β€” any of numerous limbless, scaly, elongate reptiles of the suborder Serpentes, comprising venomous and nonvenomous species inhabiting tropical and temperate areas.
  • indent β€” indentation
  • lap β€” the act of lapping liquid.
  • crisp β€” Food that is crisp is pleasantly hard, or has a pleasantly hard surface.
  • ringlet β€” a curled lock of hair.
  • kink β€” a twist or curl, as in a thread, rope, wire, or hair, caused by its doubling or bending upon itself.
  • turn β€” to cause to move around on an axis or about a center; rotate: to turn a wheel.
  • crinkle β€” If something crinkles or if you crinkle it, it becomes slightly creased or folded.
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