
All in-junction synonyms

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noun in-junction

  • dissuasion β€” an act or instance of dissuading.
  • directions β€” the act or an instance of directing.
  • proscription β€” the act of proscribing.
  • stoppage β€” an act or instance of stopping; cessation of activity: the stoppage of all work at the factory.
  • interdiction β€” an act or instance of interdicting.
  • limitation β€” a limiting condition; restrictive weakness; lack of capacity; inability or handicap: He knows his limitations as a writer.
  • suppression β€” the act of suppressing.
  • taboo β€” proscribed by society as improper or unacceptable: Taboo language is usually bleeped on TV. Synonyms: prohibited, banned, forbidden, proscribed. Antonyms: allowed, permitted, permissible; sanctioned.
  • direction β€” the act or an instance of directing.
  • wish β€” to want; desire; long for (usually followed by an infinitive or a clause): I wish to travel. I wish that it were morning.
  • request β€” the act of asking for something to be given or done, especially as a favor or courtesy; solicitation or petition: At his request, they left.
  • commandment β€” The Ten Commandments are the ten rules of behaviour which, according to the Old Testament of the Bible, people should obey.
  • solicitation β€” the act of soliciting.
  • summons β€” an authoritative command, message, or signal by which one is summoned.
  • call β€” a demand for redeemable bonds or shares to be presented for repayment
  • invitation β€” the act of inviting.
  • monition β€” Literary. admonition or warning.
  • notice β€” an announcement or intimation of something impending; warning: a day's notice.
  • omen β€” anything perceived or happening that is believed to portend a good or evil event or circumstance in the future; portent.
  • hint β€” an indirect, covert, or helpful suggestion; clue: Give me a hint as to his identity.
  • sign β€” a token; indication.
  • caveat β€” A caveat is a warning of a specific limitation of something such as information or an agreement.
  • premonition β€” a feeling of anticipation of or anxiety over a future event; presentiment: He had a vague premonition of danger.
  • dictum β€” A dictum is a formal statement made by someone who has authority.
  • canon β€” A canon is a member of the clergy who is on the staff of a cathedral.
  • requirement β€” that which is required; a thing demanded or obligatory: One of the requirements of the job is accuracy.
  • dictation β€” Dictation is the speaking or reading aloud of words for someone else to write down.
  • decree β€” A decree is an official order or decision, especially one made by the ruler of a country.
  • imposition β€” the laying on of something as a burden or obligation.
  • ordinance β€” an authoritative rule or law; a decree or command.
  • notification β€” a formal notifying or informing.
  • prescript β€” prescribed.
  • proclamation β€” something that is proclaimed; a public and official announcement.
  • imperative β€” imperative language
  • warrant β€” authorization, sanction, or justification.
  • edict β€” a decree issued by a sovereign or other authority. Synonyms: dictum, pronouncement.
  • citation β€” A citation is an official document or speech which praises a person for something brave or special that they have done.
  • obligation β€” something by which a person is bound or obliged to do certain things, and which arises out of a sense of duty or results from custom, law, etc.
  • fiat β€” an authoritative decree, sanction, or order: a royal fiat. Synonyms: authorization, directive, ruling, mandate, diktat, ukase.
  • ultimatum β€” a final, uncompromising demand or set of terms issued by a party to a dispute, the rejection of which may lead to a severance of relations or to the use of force.
  • will β€” Wallace, 1875–1959, U.S. journalist and humorist.
  • requisition β€” the act of requiring or demanding.
  • subpoena β€” the usual writ for the summoning of witnesses or the submission of evidence, as records or documents, before a court or other deliberative body.
  • act β€” When you act, you do something for a particular purpose.
  • devoir β€” duty; obligation
  • adjuration β€” a solemn charge or command
  • rap β€” to carry off; transport.
  • promulgation β€” to make known by open declaration; publish; proclaim formally or put into operation (a law, decree of a court, etc.).
  • pronouncement β€” a formal or authoritative statement.
  • say β€” assay.
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