
All hyper synonyms

H h

adj hyper

  • steamed up β€” obscured by vapour
  • stirred β€” to move one's hand or an implement continuously or repeatedly through (a liquid or other substance) in order to cool, mix, agitate, dissolve, etc., any or all of the component parts: to stir one's coffee with a spoon.
  • strung-out β€” severely debilitated from alcohol or drugs.
  • worked-up β€” excited; perturbed: She's all worked-up about the new deadline.
  • ardent β€” Ardent is used to describe someone who has extremely strong feelings about something or someone.
  • audacious β€” Someone who is audacious takes risks in order to achieve something.
  • avid β€” You use avid to describe someone who is very enthusiastic about something that they do.
  • dauntless β€” A dauntless person is brave and confident and not easily frightened.
  • gritty β€” consisting of, containing, or resembling grit; sandy.
  • hot β€” having or giving off heat; having a high temperature: a hot fire; hot coffee.
  • intrepid β€” resolutely fearless; dauntless: an intrepid explorer.
  • mettlesome β€” spirited; courageous.
  • peppery β€” full of or tasting like pepper; hot; pungent.
  • plucky β€” having or showing pluck or courage; brave: The drowning swimmer was rescued by a plucky schoolboy.
  • agile β€” Someone who is agile can move quickly and easily.
  • gingery β€” having the flavor or pungence of ginger; spicy: gingery cookies.
  • animated β€” Someone who is animated or who is having an animated conversation is lively and is showing their feelings.
  • zappy β€” energetic, lively, or fast-moving; zippy.
  • assiduous β€” Someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly.
  • zesty β€” full of zest; piquant: a zesty salad dressing.
  • brisk β€” A brisk activity or action is done quickly and in an energetic way.
  • zingy β€” full of zing; lively; zesty; exciting: a zingy new musical comedy.
  • chipper β€” Chipper means cheerful and lively.
  • dashing β€” A dashing person or thing is very stylish and attractive.
  • dexterous β€” Someone who is dexterous is very skilful and clever with their hands.
  • airy β€” If a building or room is airy, it has a lot of fresh air inside, usually because it is large.
  • forcible β€” done or effected by force: forcible entry into a house.
  • breezy β€” If you describe someone as breezy, you mean that they behave in a casual, cheerful, and confident manner.
  • fresh β€” newly made or obtained: fresh footprints.
  • cheery β€” If you describe a person or their behaviour as cheery, you mean that they are cheerful and happy.
  • frisky β€” lively; frolicsome; playful.
  • clever β€” Someone who is clever is intelligent and able to understand things easily or plan things well.
  • high-spirited β€” characterized by energetic enthusiasm, elation, vivacity, etc.
  • dapper β€” A man who is dapper has a very neat and clean appearance, and is often also small and thin.
  • industrious β€” working energetically and devotedly; hard-working; diligent: an industrious person.
  • good β€” Graph-Oriented Object Database
  • inventive β€” apt at inventing, devising, or contriving.
  • jolly β€” in good spirits; lively; merry: In a moment he was as jolly as ever.
  • nimble β€” quick and light in movement; moving with ease; agile; active; rapid: nimble feet.
  • joyous β€” joyful; happy; jubilant: the joyous sounds of children at play.
  • perky β€” jaunty; cheerful; brisk; pert.
  • light β€” a light product, as a beer or cigarette.
  • persevering β€” displaying perseverance; resolutely persistent; steadfast: a persevering student.
  • quick-witted β€” having a nimble, alert mind.
  • purposeful β€” having a purpose.
  • saucy β€” impertinent; insolent: a saucy remark; a saucy child.
  • sprightly β€” animated or vivacious; lively.
  • scintillating β€” animated; vivacious; effervescent: a scintillating personality.
  • spry β€” active; nimble; agile; energetic; brisk.
  • smart β€” having or showing quick intelligence or ready mental capability: a smart student.
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