
All husbanded synonyms

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verb husbanded

  • plow β€” an agricultural implement used for cutting, lifting, turning over, and partly pulverizing soil.
  • reap β€” to cut (wheat, rye, etc.) with a sickle or other implement or a machine, as in harvest.
  • tend β€” to attend by action, care, etc. (usually followed by to).
  • graze β€” to touch or rub something lightly, or so as to produce slight abrasion, in passing: to graze against a rough wall.
  • sow β€” to scatter (seed) over land, earth, etc., for growth; plant.
  • cultivate β€” If you cultivate land or crops, you prepare land and grow crops on it.
  • operate β€” to work, perform, or function, as a machine does: This engine does not operate properly.
  • harvest β€” Also, harvesting. the gathering of crops.
  • grow β€” to increase by natural development, as any living organism or part by assimilation of nutriment; increase in size or substance.
  • look after β€” to turn one's eyes toward something or in some direction in order to see: He looked toward the western horizon and saw the returning planes.
  • preserve β€” to keep alive or in existence; make lasting: to preserve our liberties as free citizens.
  • absorb β€” If something absorbs a liquid, gas, or other substance, it soaks it up or takes it in.
  • own β€” of, relating to, or belonging to oneself or itself (usually used after a possessive to emphasize the idea of ownership, interest, or relation conveyed by the possessive): He spent only his own money.
  • recognize β€” to identify as something or someone previously seen, known, etc.: He had changed so much that one could scarcely recognize him.
  • keep β€” to hold or retain in one's possession; hold as one's own: If you like it, keep it. Keep the change.
  • maintain β€” to keep in existence or continuance; preserve; retain: to maintain good relations with neighboring countries.
  • have β€” Usually, haves. an individual or group that has wealth, social position, or other material benefits (contrasted with have-not).
  • contain β€” If something such as a box, bag, room, or place contains things, those things are inside it.
  • hold β€” to have or keep in the hand; keep fast; grasp: She held the purse in her right hand. He held the child's hand in his.
  • possess β€” to have as belonging to one; have as property; own: to possess a house and a car.
  • plant β€” any member of the kingdom Plantae, comprising multicellular organisms that typically produce their own food from inorganic matter by the process of photosynthesis and that have more or less rigid cell walls containing cellulose, including vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, and hornworts: some classification schemes may include fungi, algae, bacteria, blue-green algae, and certain single-celled eukaryotes that have plantlike qualities, as rigid cell walls or photosynthesis.
  • ranch β€” an establishment maintained for raising livestock under range conditions.
  • run β€” execution
  • garden β€” Alexander, 1730?–91, U.S. naturalist, born in Scotland.
  • subdue β€” to conquer and bring into subjection: Rome subdued Gaul.
  • superintend β€” to oversee and direct (work, processes, etc.).
  • work β€” Henry Clay, 1832–84, U.S. songwriter.
  • direct β€” to manage or guide by advice, helpful information, instruction, etc.: He directed the company through a difficult time.
  • crop β€” Crops are plants such as wheat and potatoes that are grown in large quantities for food.
  • till β€” up to the time of; until: to fight till death.
  • seed β€” the fertilized, matured ovule of a flowering plant, containing an embryo or rudimentary plant.
  • husband β€” a married man, especially when considered in relation to his partner in marriage.
  • pasture β€” Rogier [French raw-zhee-ey] /French rΙ” Κ’iˈeΙͺ/ (Show IPA), or Roger [French raw-zhey] /French rΙ”ΛˆΚ’eΙͺ/ (Show IPA), de la [French duh-la] /French dΙ™ la/ (Show IPA), Weyden, Rogier van der.
  • dress β€” an outer garment for women and girls, consisting of bodice and skirt in one piece.
  • harrow β€” a borough of Greater London, in SE England.
  • landscape β€” a section or expanse of rural scenery, usually extensive, that can be seen from a single viewpoint.
  • homestead β€” a town in S Florida.
  • remember β€” to recall to the mind by an act or effort of memory; think of again: I'll try to remember the exact date.
  • retrospect β€” contemplation of the past; a survey of past time, events, etc.
  • memorize β€” to commit to memory; learn by heart: to memorize a poem.
  • recall β€” to bring back from memory; recollect; remember: Can you recall what she said?
  • mind β€” (in a human or other conscious being) the element, part, substance, or process that reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, judges, etc.: the processes of the human mind.
  • recollect β€” to collect, gather, or assemble again (something scattered).
  • withhold β€” to hold back; restrain or check.
  • reminisce β€” to recall past experiences, events, etc.; indulge in reminiscence.
  • detain β€” When people such as the police detain someone, they keep them in a place under their control.
  • restrain β€” to hold back from action; keep in check or under control; repress: to restrain one's temper.
  • clutch β€” If you clutch at something or clutch something, you hold it tightly, usually because you are afraid or anxious.
  • grasp β€” to seize and hold by or as if by clasping with the fingers or arms.
  • save β€” to rescue from danger or possible harm, injury, or loss: to save someone from drowning.
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