
All hot-headed synonyms

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adj hot-headed

  • uncontrolled β€” to exercise restraint or direction over; dominate; command: The car is difficult to control at high speeds. That zone is controlled by enemy troops.
  • uneasy β€” not easy in body or mind; uncomfortable; restless; disturbed; perturbed.
  • vehement β€” zealous; ardent; impassioned: a vehement defense; vehement enthusiasm.
  • violent β€” acting with or characterized by uncontrolled, strong, rough force: a violent earthquake.
  • volatile β€” evaporating rapidly; passing off readily in the form of vapor: Acetone is a volatile solvent.
  • agitate β€” If people agitate for something, they protest or take part in political activity in order to get it.
  • alarm β€” Alarm is a feeling of fear or anxiety that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen.
  • galvanic β€” pertaining to or produced by galvanism; producing or caused by an electric current.
  • overzealous β€” too zealous: overzealous for reform.
  • volcanic β€” of or relating to a volcano: a volcanic eruption.
  • ablaze β€” Something that is ablaze is burning very fiercely.
  • afire β€” If something is afire or is set afire, it is on fire or looks as if it is on fire.
  • alight β€” If something is alight, it is burning.
  • choleric β€” A choleric person gets angry very easily. You can also use choleric to describe a person who is very angry.
  • febrile β€” pertaining to or marked by fever; feverish.
  • fervid β€” heated or vehement in spirit, enthusiasm, etc.: a fervid orator.
  • feverish β€” having fever.
  • flickering β€” to burn unsteadily; shine with a wavering light: The candle flickered in the wind and went out.
  • flushed β€” a flushed bird or flock of birds.
  • inflamed β€” to kindle or excite (passions, desires, etc.).
  • irritable β€” easily irritated or annoyed; readily excited to impatience or anger.
  • madcap β€” wildly or heedlessly impulsive; reckless; rash: a madcap scheme.
  • peppery β€” full of or tasting like pepper; hot; pungent.
  • precipitate β€” to hasten the occurrence of; bring about prematurely, hastily, or suddenly: to precipitate an international crisis.
  • unrestrained β€” not restrained or controlled; uncontrolled or uncontrollable: the unrestrained birthrate in some countries.
  • conflagrant β€” burning fiercely
  • fevered β€” an abnormal condition of the body, characterized by undue rise in temperature, quickening of the pulse, and disturbance of various body functions.
  • hot-blooded β€” excitable; impetuous.
  • perfervid β€” very fervent; extremely ardent; impassioned: perfervid patriotism.
  • aflame β€” If something is on fire, you can say it is aflame.
  • flaring β€” blazing; flaming.
  • igneous β€” Geology. produced under conditions involving intense heat, as rocks of volcanic origin or rocks crystallized from molten magma.
  • ignited β€” to set on fire; kindle.
  • in flames β€” to kindle or excite (passions, desires, etc.).
  • apathetic β€” If you describe someone as apathetic, you are criticizing them because they do not seem to be interested in or enthusiastic about doing anything.
  • blind β€” Someone who is blind is unable to see because their eyes are damaged.
  • brash β€” If you describe someone or their behaviour as brash, you disapprove of them because you think that they are too confident and aggressive.
  • discourteous β€” not courteous; impolite; uncivil; rude: a discourteous salesman.
  • heedless β€” careless; thoughtless; unmindful: Heedless of the danger, he returned to the burning building to save his dog.
  • inattentive β€” not attentive; negligent.
  • incautious β€” not cautious; careless; reckless; heedless.
  • indelicate β€” offensive to a sense of generally accepted propriety, modesty, or decency; improper, unrefined, or coarse: indelicate language.
  • indifferent β€” without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic: his indifferent attitude toward the suffering of others.
  • listless β€” having or showing little or no interest in anything; languid; spiritless; indifferent: a listless mood; a listless handshake.
  • neglectful β€” characterized by neglect; disregardful; careless; negligent (often followed by of): neglectful of one's health.
  • negligent β€” guilty of or characterized by neglect, as of duty: negligent officials.
  • primitive β€” being the first or earliest of the kind or in existence, especially in an early age of the world: primitive forms of life.
  • self-centered β€” concerned solely or chiefly with one's own interests, welfare, etc.; engrossed in self; selfish; egotistical.
  • selfish β€” devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others.
  • sharp β€” having a thin cutting edge or a fine point; well-adapted for cutting or piercing: a sharp knife.
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