
All gush synonyms

G g

verb gush

  • spew β€” to discharge the contents of the stomach through the mouth; vomit.
  • pour β€” to send (a liquid, fluid, or anything in loose particles) flowing or falling, as from one container to another, or into, over, or on something: to pour a glass of milk; to pour water on a plant.
  • rave β€” to talk wildly, as in delirium.
  • well β€” in a good or satisfactory manner: Business is going well.
  • sluice β€” an artificial channel for conducting water, often fitted with a gate (sluice gate) at the upper end for regulating the flow.
  • roll β€” to move along a surface by revolving or turning over and over, as a ball or a wheel.
  • effuse β€” to pour out or forth; shed; disseminate: The town effuses warmth and hospitality.
  • prate β€” to talk excessively and pointlessly; babble: They prated on until I was ready to scream.
  • blather β€” If someone is blathering on about something, they are talking for a long time about something that you consider boring or unimportant.
  • babble β€” If someone babbles, they talk in a confused or excited way.
  • chatter β€” If you chatter, you talk quickly and continuously, usually about things which are not important.
  • overstate β€” to state too strongly; exaggerate: to overstate one's position in a controversy.
  • effervesce β€” to give off bubbles of gas, as fermenting liquors.
  • prattle β€” to talk in a foolish or simple-minded way; chatter; babble.
  • jabber β€” rapid, indistinct, or nonsensical talk; gibberish.
  • emanate β€” (of something abstract but perceptible) Issue or spread out from (a source).
  • emerge β€” Move out of or away from something and come into view.
  • flatter β€” to make flat.
  • ooze β€” (of moisture, liquid, etc.) to flow, percolate, or exude slowly, as through holes or small openings.
  • admire β€” If you admire someone or something, you like and respect them very much.
  • enthuse β€” Say something that expresses one's eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

noun gush

  • spout β€” to emit or discharge forcibly (a liquid, granulated substance, etc.) in a stream or jet.
  • flow β€” to move along in a stream: The river flowed slowly to the sea.
  • spate β€” a sudden, almost overwhelming, outpouring: a spate of angry words.
  • surge β€” a strong, wavelike, forward movement, rush, or sweep: the onward surge of an angry mob.
  • cascade β€” If you refer to a cascade of something, you mean that there is a large amount of it.
  • flush β€” a hand or set of cards all of one suit. Compare royal flush, straight flush.
  • spurt β€” to gush or issue suddenly in a stream or jet, as a liquid; spout.
  • issue β€” the act of sending out or putting forth; promulgation; distribution: the issue of food and blankets to flood victims.
  • flood β€” a great flowing or overflowing of water, especially over land not usually submerged.
  • rush β€” to move, act, or progress with speed, impetuosity, or violence.
  • run β€” execution
  • stream β€” a body of water flowing in a channel or watercourse, as a river, rivulet, or brook. Synonyms: rill, run, streamlet, runnel.
  • jet β€” a compact black coal, susceptible of a high polish, used for making beads, jewelry, buttons, etc.
  • burst β€” If something bursts or if you burst it, it suddenly breaks open or splits open and the air or other substance inside it comes out.
  • spring β€” String PRocessING language
  • outpouring β€” outpouring.
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