
All goosed synonyms

G g

verb goosed

  • inspire β€” to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence: His courage inspired his followers.
  • jab β€” a poke with the end or point of something; a sharp, quick thrust.
  • propel β€” to drive, or cause to move, forward or onward: to propel a boat by rowing.
  • make β€” to bring into existence by shaping or changing material, combining parts, etc.: to make a dress; to make a channel; to make a work of art.
  • motivate β€” to provide with a motive, or a cause or reason to act; incite; impel.
  • send β€” to cause, permit, or enable to go: to send a messenger; They sent their son to college.
  • herd β€” a herdsman (usually used in combination): a cowherd; a goatherd; a shepherd.
  • push β€” to press upon or against (a thing) with force in order to move it away.
  • prompt β€” done, performed, delivered, etc., at once or without delay: a prompt reply.
  • spur β€” a batch of newly made rag-paper sheets.
  • stimulate β€” to rouse to action or effort, as by encouragement or pressure; spur on; incite: to stimulate his interest in mathematics.
  • chase β€” If you chase someone, or chase after them, you run after them or follow them quickly in order to catch or reach them.
  • remind β€” to cause (a person) to remember; cause (a person) to think (of someone or something): Remind me to phone him tomorrow. That woman reminds me of my mother.
  • speed β€” rapidity in moving, going, traveling, proceeding, or performing; swiftness; celerity: the speed of light; the speed of sound.
  • goad β€” a stick with a pointed or electrically charged end, for driving cattle, oxen, etc.; prod.
  • prod β€” to poke or jab with or as if with something pointed: I prodded him with my elbow.
  • instigate β€” to cause by incitement; foment: to instigate a quarrel.
  • kick β€” to strike with the foot or feet: to kick the ball; to kick someone in the shins.
  • hustle β€” to proceed or work rapidly or energetically: to hustle about putting a house in order.
  • shepherd β€” a male given name.
  • overburden β€” to load with too great a burden; overload: He was overburdened with cares.
  • pyramid β€” Architecture. (in ancient Egypt) a quadrilateral masonry mass having smooth, steeply sloping sides meeting at an apex, used as a tomb. (in ancient Egypt and pre-Columbian Central America) a quadrilateral masonry mass, stepped and sharply sloping, used as a tomb or a platform for a temple.
  • oblige β€” to require or constrain, as by law, command, conscience, or force of necessity.
  • dignify β€” to confer honor or dignity upon; honor; ennoble.
  • induce β€” to lead or move by persuasion or influence, as to some action or state of mind: to induce a person to buy a raffle ticket.
  • recruit β€” a newly enlisted or drafted member of the armed forces.
  • pressure β€” the exertion of force upon a surface by an object, fluid, etc., in contact with it: the pressure of earth against a wall.
  • congregate β€” When people congregate, they gather together and form a group.
  • hurl β€” to throw or fling with great force or vigor.
  • rally β€” to ridicule in a good-natured way; banter.
  • press β€” to force into service, especially naval or military service; impress.
  • aggravate β€” If someone or something aggravates a situation, they make it worse.
  • railroad β€” a permanent road laid with rails, commonly in one or more pairs of continuous lines forming a track or tracks, on which locomotives and cars are run for the transportation of passengers, freight, and mail.
  • form β€” external appearance of a clearly defined area, as distinguished from color or material; configuration: a triangular form.
  • hurry β€” to move, proceed, or act with haste (often followed by up): Hurry, or we'll be late. Hurry up, it's starting to rain.
  • magnify β€” to increase the apparent size of, as a lens does.
  • shove β€” to move along by force from behind; push.
  • congress β€” Congress is the elected group of politicians that is responsible for making the law in the United States. It consists of two parts: the House of Representatives and the Senate.
  • dog β€” a domesticated canid, Canis familiaris, bred in many varieties.
  • inflate β€” deflate
  • impel β€” to drive or urge forward; press on; incite or constrain to action.
  • levy β€” an imposing or collecting, as of a tax, by authority or force.
  • harass β€” to disturb persistently; torment, as with troubles or cares; bother continually; pester; persecute.
  • mushroom β€” any of various fleshy fungi including the toadstools, puffballs, coral fungi, morels, etc.
  • constrain β€” To constrain someone or something means to limit their development or force them to behave in a particular way.
  • snowball β€” a ball of snow pressed or rolled together, as for throwing.
  • hasten β€” to move or act with haste; proceed with haste; hurry: to hasten to a place.
  • assemble β€” When people assemble or when someone assembles them, they come together in a group, usually for a particular purpose such as a meeting.
  • intensify β€” to make intense or more intense.
  • amplify β€” If you amplify a sound, you make it louder, usually by using electronic equipment.
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