
All give out synonyms

give out
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verb give out

  • cast out β€” To cast out something or someone means to get rid of them because you do not like or need them, or do not want to take responsibility for them.
  • disembogue β€” to discharge contents by pouring forth.
  • give vent to β€” to release (an emotion, passion, idea, etc) in an utterance or outburst
  • belt out β€” If you belt out a song, you sing or play it very loudly.
  • canary β€” Canaries are small yellow birds which sing beautifully and are often kept as pets.
  • wizen β€” wizened.
  • come through β€” To come through a dangerous or difficult situation means to survive it and recover from it.
  • own up β€” of, relating to, or belonging to oneself or itself (usually used after a possessive to emphasize the idea of ownership, interest, or relation conveyed by the possessive): He spent only his own money.
  • sign on β€” a token; indication.
  • devote β€” If you devote yourself, your time, or your energy to something, you spend all or most of your time or energy on it.
  • dish out β€” an open, relatively shallow container of pottery, glass, metal, wood, etc., used for various purposes, especially for holding or serving food.
  • mete β€” to distribute or apportion by measure; allot; dole (usually followed by out): to mete out punishment.
  • deal out β€” If someone deals out a punishment or harmful action, they punish or harm someone.
  • beam β€” If you say that someone is beaming, you mean that they have a big smile on their face because they are happy, pleased, or proud about something.
  • belch β€” If someone belches, they make a sudden noise in their throat because air has risen up from their stomach.
  • flow β€” to move along in a stream: The river flowed slowly to the sea.
  • bring out β€” When a person or company brings out a new product, especially a new book or CD, they produce it and put it on sale.
  • issue β€” the act of sending out or putting forth; promulgation; distribution: the issue of food and blankets to flood victims.
  • get out β€” an offspring or the total of the offspring, especially of a male animal: the get of a stallion.
  • pour β€” to send (a liquid, fluid, or anything in loose particles) flowing or falling, as from one container to another, or into, over, or on something: to pour a glass of milk; to pour water on a plant.
  • produce β€” to bring into existence; give rise to; cause: to produce steam.
  • radiate β€” to extend, spread, or move like rays or radii from a center.
  • release β€” to lease again.
  • throw out β€” to propel or cast in any way, especially to project or propel from the hand by a sudden forward motion or straightening of the arm and wrist: to throw a ball.
  • vent β€” a slit in the back or side of a coat, jacket, or other garment, at the bottom part of a seam.
  • void β€” Law. having no legal force or effect; not legally binding or enforceable.
  • effuse β€” to pour out or forth; shed; disseminate: The town effuses warmth and hospitality.
  • send out β€” to cause, permit, or enable to go: to send a messenger; They sent their son to college.
  • diminish β€” to make or cause to seem smaller, less, less important, etc.; lessen; reduce.
  • drain β€” to withdraw or draw off (a liquid) gradually; remove slowly or by degrees, as by filtration: to drain oil from a crankcase.
  • lessen β€” to become less.
  • pall β€” a cloth, often of velvet, for spreading over a coffin, bier, or tomb.
  • rebate β€” a return of part of the original payment for some service or merchandise; partial refund.
  • run out β€” an act or instance, or a period of running: a five-minute run before breakfast.
  • stop β€” to cease from, leave off, or discontinue: to stop running.
  • come to nothing β€” plan, idea: fail
  • run dry β€” dry up
  • come across β€” If you come across something or someone, you find them or meet them by chance.
  • cry uncle β€” a brother of one's father or mother.
  • cut a deal β€” to come to an arrangement; make a deal
  • ostend β€” a seaport in NW Belgium.
  • play ball β€” a spherical or approximately spherical body or shape; sphere: He rolled the piece of paper into a ball.
  • yes β€” (used to express affirmation or assent or to mark the addition of something emphasizing and amplifying a previous statement): Do you want that? Yes, I do.
  • come around β€” If someone comes around or comes round to your house, they call there to see you.
  • say uncle β€” a brother of one's father or mother.
  • branch out β€” If a person or an organization branches out, they do something that is different from their normal activities or work.
  • sound off β€” the sensation produced by stimulation of the organs of hearing by vibrations transmitted through the air or other medium.
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