
All familiar synonyms

F f

adj familiar

  • unsophisticated β€” not sophisticated; simple; artless.
  • wonted β€” accustomed; used (usually followed by an infinitive): He was wont to rise at dawn.
  • garden variety β€” common, usual, or ordinary; unexceptional.
  • workaday β€” of or befitting working days; characteristic of a workday and its occupations.
  • abreast β€” If people or things walk or move abreast, they are next to each other, side by side, and facing in the same direction.
  • au courant β€” up-to-date, esp in knowledge of current affairs
  • au fait β€” If you are au fait with something, you are familiar with it and know about it.
  • cognizant β€” If someone is cognizant of something, they are aware of it or understand it.
  • conscious β€” If you are conscious of something, you notice it or realize that it is happening.
  • informed β€” having or prepared with information or knowledge; apprised: an informed audience that asked intelligent questions.
  • introduced β€” to present (a person) to another so as to make acquainted.
  • mindful β€” attentive, aware, or careful (usually followed by of): mindful of one's responsibilities.
  • with it β€” (in children's games) the player called upon to perform some task, as, in tag, the one who must catch the other players.
  • up β€” to, toward, or in a more elevated position: to climb up to the top of a ladder.
  • apprised β€” appraise.
  • grounded β€” the solid surface of the earth; firm or dry land: to fall to the ground.
  • in on β€” If you are in on something, you are involved in it or know about it.
  • in the know β€” to perceive or understand as fact or truth; to apprehend clearly and with certainty: I know the situation fully.
  • plugged in β€” closely connected; in touch with what is going on; informed; involved: He's one of the more plugged-in advisers at State House.
  • affable β€” Someone who is affable is pleasant and friendly.
  • amicable β€” When people have an amicable relationship, they are pleasant to each other and solve their problems without quarrelling.
  • chummy β€” If people or social events are chummy, they are pleasant and friendly.
  • confidential β€” Information that is confidential is meant to be kept secret or private.
  • fresh β€” newly made or obtained: fresh footprints.
  • genial β€” of or relating to the chin.
  • gracious β€” pleasantly kind, benevolent, and courteous.
  • impudent β€” of, relating to, or characterized by impertinence or effrontery: The student was kept late for impudent behavior.
  • intrusive β€” tending or apt to intrude; coming without invitation or welcome: intrusive memories of a lost love.
  • near β€” close; to a point or place not far away: Come near so I won't have to shout.
  • neighborly β€” having or showing qualities befitting a neighbor; friendly.
  • nervy β€” brashly presumptuous or insolent; pushy: a nervy thing to say; a nervy trick to pull.
  • obtrusive β€” having or showing a disposition to obtrude, as by imposing oneself or one's opinions on others.
  • officious β€” objectionably aggressive in offering one's unrequested and unwanted services, help, or advice; meddlesome: an officious person.
  • palsy-walsy β€” friendly or appearing to be friendly in a very intimate or hearty way: The police kept their eye on him because he was trying to get palsy-walsy with the security guard.
  • presuming β€” presumptuous.
  • presumptuous β€” full of, characterized by, or showing presumption or readiness to presume in conduct or thought, as by saying or doing something without right or permission.
  • sassy β€” impertinent; insolent; saucy: a sassy reply; a sassy teen.
  • tight β€” firmly or closely fixed in place; not easily moved; secure: a tight knot.
  • unreserved β€” not restricted; without reservation; full; entire; unqualified: unreserved approval.
  • relaxed β€” being free of or relieved from tension or anxiety: in a relaxed mood.
  • unconstrained β€” forced, compelled, or obliged: a constrained confession.
  • buddy-buddy β€” very friendly; intimate.
  • free-and-easy β€” enjoying personal rights or liberty, as a person who is not in slavery: a land of free people.

adjective familiar

  • well-known β€” clearly or fully known: The well-known reasons are obvious.
  • recurring β€” occurring or appearing again.
  • everyday β€” Happening or used every day; daily.
  • common β€” If something is common, it is found in large numbers or it happens often.
  • regular β€” usual; normal; customary: to put something in its regular place.
  • typical β€” of the nature of or serving as a type or representative specimen.
  • time-honored β€” revered or respected because of antiquity and long continuance: a time-honored custom.
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