
All divaricate synonyms

D d

adj divaricate

  • jagged β€” having ragged notches, points, or teeth; zigzag: the jagged edge of a saw; a jagged wound.
  • divided β€” separated; separate.
  • branching β€” the occurrence of several decay paths (branches) in the disintegration of a particular nuclide or the de-excitation of an excited atom. The branching fraction (nuclear) or branching ratio (atomic) is the proportion of the disintegrating nuclei that follow a particular branch to the total number of disintegrating nuclides
  • tined β€” a sharp, projecting point or prong, as of a fork.
  • angled β€” set at an angle
  • bifurcated β€” divided into two branches.
  • branched β€” a division or subdivision of the stem or axis of a tree, shrub, or other plant.

verb divaricate

  • cut across β€” If an issue or problem cuts across the division between two or more groups of people, it affects or matters to people in all the groups.
  • veer β€” to change direction or turn about or aside; shift, turn, or change from one course, position, inclination, etc., to another: The speaker kept veering from his main topic. The car veered off the road.
  • deviate β€” To deviate from something means to start doing something different or not planned, especially in a way that causes problems for others.
  • stray β€” to deviate from the direct course, leave the proper place, or go beyond the proper limits, especially without a fixed course or purpose; ramble: to stray from the main road.
  • radiate β€” to extend, spread, or move like rays or radii from a center.
  • differ β€” to be unlike, dissimilar, or distinct in nature or qualities (often followed by from): The two writers differ greatly in their perceptions of the world. Each writer's style differs from that of another.
  • modify β€” to change somewhat the form or qualities of; alter partially; amend: to modify a contract.
  • range β€” the extent to which or the limits between which variation is possible: the range of steel prices; a wide range of styles.
  • diversify β€” to make diverse, as in form or character; give variety or diversity to; variegate.
  • fluctuate β€” to change continually; shift back and forth; vary irregularly: The price of gold fluctuated wildly last month.
  • alter β€” If something alters or if you alter it, it changes.
  • fork β€” an instrument having two or more prongs or tines, for holding, lifting, etc., as an implement for handling food or any of various agricultural tools.
  • intersect β€” to cut or divide by passing through or across: The highway intersects the town.
  • separate β€” to keep apart or divide, as by an intervening barrier or space: to separate two fields by a fence.
  • halve β€” to divide into two equal parts.
  • cross β€” If you cross something such as a room, a road, or an area of land or water, you move or travel to the other side of it. If you cross to a place, you move or travel over a room, road, or area of land or water in order to reach that place.
  • cleave β€” To cleave something means to split or divide it into two separate parts, often violently.
  • split β€” to divide or separate from end to end or into layers: to split a log in two.
  • dichotomize β€” to divide or become divided into two parts or classifications
  • furcate β€” forked; branching.
  • swerve β€” to turn aside abruptly in movement or direction; deviate suddenly from the straight or direct course.
  • depart β€” When something or someone departs from a place, they leave it and start a journey to another place.
  • divide β€” to separate into parts, groups, sections, etc.
  • divagate β€” to wander; stray.
  • spread β€” to draw, stretch, or open out, especially over a flat surface, as something rolled or folded (often followed by out).
  • digress β€” to deviate or wander away from the main topic or purpose in speaking or writing; depart from the principal line of argument, plot, study, etc.
  • part β€” a portion or division of a whole that is separate or distinct; piece, fragment, fraction, or section; constituent: the rear part of the house; to glue the two parts together.
  • branch β€” The branches of a tree are the parts that grow out from its trunk and have leaves, flowers, or fruit growing on them.
  • ramble β€” to wander around in a leisurely, aimless manner: They rambled through the shops until closing time.
  • wander β€” to ramble without a definite purpose or objective; roam, rove, or stray: to wander over the earth.
  • bend β€” When you bend, you move the top part of your body downwards and forwards. Plants and trees also bend.
  • angle β€” An angle is the difference in direction between two lines or surfaces. Angles are measured in degrees.
  • diverge β€” to move, lie, or extend in different directions from a common point; branch off.
  • mutate β€” to change; alter.
  • interchange β€” to put each in the place of the other: to interchange pieces of modular furniture.
  • convert β€” If you convert a vehicle or piece of equipment, you change it so that it can use a different fuel.
  • variegate β€” to make varied in appearance, as by adding different colors.
  • alternate β€” When you alternate two things, you keep using one then the other. When one thing alternates with another, the first regularly occurs after the other.
  • disagree β€” to fail to agree; differ: The conclusions disagree with the facts. The theories disagree in their basic premises.
  • transform β€” to change in form, appearance, or structure; metamorphose.
  • displace β€” to compel (a person or persons) to leave home, country, etc.
  • turn β€” to cause to move around on an axis or about a center; rotate: to turn a wheel.
  • assort β€” to arrange or distribute into groups of the same type; classify
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