
All die hard synonyms

die hard
D d

adj die hard

  • unimaginative β€” characterized by or bearing evidence of imagination: an imaginative tale.
  • controlled β€” held in check; curbed: poorly controlled anger.
  • hidebound β€” narrow and rigid in opinion; inflexible: a hidebound pedant.
  • uncreative β€” having the quality or power of creating.
  • unprogressive β€” favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are, especially in political matters: a progressive mayor.
  • old guard β€” the imperial guard created in 1804 by Napoleon: it made the last French charge at Waterloo.
  • in a rut β€” stuck in routine
  • daring β€” People who are daring are willing to do or say things which are new or which might shock or anger other people.
  • absolute β€” Absolute means total and complete.
  • complete β€” You use complete to emphasize that something is as great in extent, degree, or amount as it possibly can be.
  • confirmed β€” You use confirmed to describe someone who has a particular habit or belief that they are very unlikely to change.
  • congenital β€” A congenital disease or medical condition is one that a person has had from birth, but is not inherited.
  • deep-rooted β€” Deep-rooted means the same as deep-seated.
  • deep-seated β€” A deep-seated problem, feeling, or belief is difficult to change because its causes have been there for a long time.
  • fixed β€” fastened, attached, or placed so as to be firm and not readily movable; firmly implanted; stationary; rigid.
  • full-fledged β€” of full rank or standing: a full-fledged professor.
  • genuine β€” possessing the claimed or attributed character, quality, or origin; not counterfeit; authentic; real: genuine sympathy; a genuine antique.
  • hardened β€” made or become hard or harder.
  • ingrained β€” ingrained; firmly fixed.
  • long-standing β€” existing or occurring for a long time: a longstanding feud.
  • thorough β€” executed without negligence or omissions: a thorough search.
  • thoroughgoing β€” doing things thoroughly.
  • uncompromising β€” not admitting of compromise or adjustment of differences; making no concessions; inaccessible to flexible bargaining; unyielding: an uncompromising attitude.
  • utter β€” to give audible expression to; speak or pronounce: unable to utter her feelings; Words were uttered in my hearing.
  • true β€” being in accordance with the actual state or conditions; conforming to reality or fact; not false: a true story.
  • deep-dyed β€” thoroughgoing; absolute; complete
  • instilled β€” to infuse slowly or gradually into the mind or feelings; insinuate; inject: to instill courtesy in a child.
  • through and through β€” in at one end, side, or surface and out at the other: to pass through a tunnel; We drove through Denver without stopping. Sun came through the window.
  • to the core β€” You can use to the core to describe someone who is a very strong supporter of someone or something and will never change their views. For example, you can say that someone is Republican to the core.
  • well-established β€” permanently founded; settled; firmly set: a well-established business; a well-established habit.
  • determined β€” If you are determined to do something, you have made a firm decision to do it and will not let anything stop you.
  • faithful β€” strict or thorough in the performance of duty: a faithful worker.
  • resolute β€” firmly resolved or determined; set in purpose or opinion: Her parents wanted her to marry, but she was focused on her education and remained resolute.
  • rigid β€” stiff or unyielding; not pliant or flexible; hard: a rigid strip of metal.
  • steadfast β€” fixed in direction; steadily directed: a steadfast gaze.
  • stubborn β€” unreasonably obstinate; obstinately unmoving: a stubborn child.
  • unyielding β€” unable to bend or be penetrated under pressure; hard: trees so unyielding that they broke in the harsh north winds.
  • acknowledged β€” recognized as being true or existing
  • approved β€” An approved method or course of action is officially accepted as appropriate in a particular situation.
  • authoritative β€” Someone or something that is authoritative gives an impression of power and importance and is likely to be obeyed.
  • by the numbers β€” in prescribed sequence of movements and accompanied by a count
  • canonical β€” If something has canonical status, it is accepted as having all the qualities that a thing of its kind should have.
  • conformist β€” Someone who is conformist behaves or thinks like everyone else rather than doing things that are original.
  • correct β€” If something is correct, it is in accordance with the facts and has no mistakes.
  • customary β€” Customary is used to describe things that people usually do in a particular society or in particular circumstances.
  • devout β€” A devout person has deep religious beliefs.
  • legitimate β€” according to law; lawful: the property's legitimate owner.
  • official β€” a person appointed or elected to an office or charged with certain duties.

noun die hard

  • ultra β€” going beyond what is usual or ordinary; excessive; extreme.
  • ultraist β€” extremism.
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