
All cutoff synonyms

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noun cutoff

  • freeze β€” to become hardened into ice or into a solid body; change from the liquid to the solid state by loss of heat.
  • cease β€” If something ceases, it stops happening or existing.
  • close β€” When you close something such as a door or lid or when it closes, it moves so that a hole, gap, or opening is covered.
  • arrest β€” If the police arrest you, they take charge of you and take you to a police station, because they believe you may have committed a crime.
  • time-out β€” a brief suspension of activity; intermission or break.
  • conclusion β€” When you come to a conclusion, you decide that something is true after you have thought about it carefully and have considered all the relevant facts.
  • finish β€” to bring (something) to an end or to completion; complete: to finish a novel; to finish breakfast.
  • remission β€” the act of remitting.
  • stop β€” to cease from, leave off, or discontinue: to stop running.
  • stay β€” (of a ship) to change to the other tack.
  • break β€” When an object breaks or when you break it, it suddenly separates into two or more pieces, often because it has been hit or dropped.
  • abeyance β€” a state of being suspended or put aside temporarily
  • standstill β€” a state of cessation of movement or action; halt; stop: The ball rolled to a standstill.
  • bound β€” Bound is the past tense and past participle of bind.
  • impasse β€” a position or situation from which there is no escape; deadlock.
  • stand β€” (of a person) to be in an upright position on the feet.
  • meanwhile β€” meantime.
  • gap β€” a department in SE France. 2179 sq. mi. (5645 sq. km). Capital: Gap.
  • time β€” the system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another.
  • breach β€” If you breach an agreement, a law, or a promise, you break it.
  • interregnum β€” an interval of time between the close of a sovereign's reign and the accession of his or her normal or legitimate successor.
  • dissolution β€” the act or process of resolving or dissolving into parts or elements.
  • obstruction β€” something that obstructs, blocks, or closes up with an obstacle or obstacles; obstacle or hindrance: obstructions to navigation.
  • interim β€” an intervening time; interval; meantime: School doesn't start till September, but he's taking a Spanish class in the interim.
  • dormancy β€” the state of being dormant.
  • severance β€” the act of severing or the state of being severed.
  • quiescence β€” being at rest; quiet; still; inactive or motionless: a quiescent mind.
  • split β€” to divide or separate from end to end or into layers: to split a log in two.
  • division β€” the act or process of dividing; state of being divided.
  • latency β€” the state of being latent.
  • parenthesis β€” either or both of a pair of signs () used in writing to mark off an interjected explanatory or qualifying remark, to indicate separate groupings of symbols in mathematics and symbolic logic, etc.
  • separation β€” an act or instance of separating or the state of being separated.
  • disconnection β€” the act of disconnecting.
  • doldrums β€” A part of the ocean near the equator, abounding in calms, squalls, and light, baffling winds, which sometimes prevent all progress for weeks – so called by sailors.
  • rift β€” an opening made by splitting, cleaving, etc.; fissure; cleft; chink.
  • obstacle β€” something that obstructs or hinders progress.
  • impediment β€” obstruction; hindrance; obstacle.
  • hindrance β€” an impeding, stopping, preventing, or the like.
  • hush β€” to become or be silent or quiet: They hushed as the judge walked in.
  • comma β€” A comma is the punctuation mark , which is used to separate parts of a sentence or items in a list.
  • stillness β€” silence; quiet; hush.
  • stopover β€” a brief stop in the course of a journey, as to eat, sleep, or visit friends.
  • gridlock β€” the stoppage of free vehicular movement in an urban area because key intersections are blocked by traffic.
  • hesitancy β€” hesitation; indecision or disinclination.
  • deadlock β€” If a dispute or series of negotiations reaches deadlock, neither side is willing to give in at all and no agreement can be made.
  • repose β€” the state of reposing or being at rest; rest; sleep.
  • sleep β€” to take the rest afforded by a suspension of voluntary bodily functions and the natural suspension, complete or partial, of consciousness; cease being awake.
  • comfort β€” If you are doing something in comfort, you are physically relaxed and contented, and are not feeling any pain or other unpleasant sensations.
  • composure β€” Composure is the appearance or feeling of calm and the ability to control your feelings.
  • ease β€” freedom from labor, pain, or physical annoyance; tranquil rest; comfort: to enjoy one's ease.
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