
All contrivance synonyms

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noun contrivance

  • gimmick β€” an ingenious or novel device, scheme, or stratagem, especially one designed to attract attention or increase appeal.
  • ruse β€” a city in N Bulgaria, on the Danube.
  • artifice β€” Artifice is the clever use of tricks and devices.
  • contraption β€” You can refer to a device or machine as a contraption, especially when it looks strange or you do not know what it is used for.
  • dodge β€” to elude or evade by a sudden shift of position or by strategy: to dodge a blow; to dodge a question.
  • stratagem β€” a plan, scheme, or trick for surprising or deceiving an enemy.
  • twist β€” to combine, as two or more strands or threads, by winding together; intertwine.
  • angle β€” An angle is the difference in direction between two lines or surfaces. Angles are measured in degrees.
  • plot β€” a secret plan or scheme to accomplish some purpose, especially a hostile, unlawful, or evil purpose: a plot to overthrow the government.
  • machination β€” an act or instance of machinating.
  • slant β€” to veer or angle away from a given level or line, especially from a horizontal; slope.
  • project β€” something that is contemplated, devised, or planned; plan; scheme.
  • trick β€” a crafty or underhanded device, maneuver, stratagem, or the like, intended to deceive or cheat; artifice; ruse; wile.
  • switch β€” a slender, flexible shoot, rod, etc., used especially in whipping or disciplining.
  • invention β€” the act of inventing.
  • design β€” When someone designs a garment, building, machine, or other object, they plan it and make a detailed drawing of it from which it can be built or made.
  • measure β€” a unit or standard of measurement: weights and measures.
  • formation β€” the act or process of forming or the state of being formed: the formation of ice.
  • inventiveness β€” apt at inventing, devising, or contriving.
  • scheme β€” a plan, design, or program of action to be followed; project.
  • intrigue β€” to arouse the curiosity or interest of by unusual, new, or otherwise fascinating or compelling qualities; appeal strongly to; captivate: The plan intrigues me, but I wonder if it will work.
  • brainchild β€” Someone's brainchild is an idea or invention that they have thought up or created.
  • coinage β€” Coinage is the coins which are used in a country.
  • creation β€” In many religions, creation is the making of the universe, Earth, and creatures by God.
  • tackle β€” equipment, apparatus, or gear, especially for fishing: fishing tackle.
  • harness β€” the combination of straps, bands, and other parts forming the working gear of a draft animal. Compare yoke1 (def 1).
  • apparatus β€” The apparatus of an organization or system is its structure and method of operation.
  • instrument β€” a mechanical tool or implement, especially one used for delicate or precision work: surgical instruments.
  • mechanism β€” an assembly of moving parts performing a complete functional motion, often being part of a large machine; linkage.
  • machine β€” an apparatus consisting of interrelated parts with separate functions, used in the performance of some kind of work: a sewing machine.
  • discovery β€” the act or an instance of discovering.
  • widget β€” a small mechanical device, as a knob or switch, especially one whose name is not known or cannot be recalled; gadget: a row of widgets on the instrument panel.
  • gear β€” Machinery. a part, as a disk, wheel, or section of a shaft, having cut teeth of such form, size, and spacing that they mesh with teeth in another part to transmit or receive force and motion. an assembly of such parts. one of several possible arrangements of such parts in a mechanism, as an automobile transmission, for affording different relations of torque and speed between the driving and the driven machinery, or for permitting the driven machinery to run in either direction: first gear; reverse gear. a mechanism or group of parts performing one function or serving one purpose in a complex machine: steering gear.
  • utensil β€” any of the instruments or vessels commonly used in a kitchen, dairy, etc.: eating utensils; baking utensils.
  • tool β€” an implement, especially one held in the hand, as a hammer, saw, or file, for performing or facilitating mechanical operations.
  • material β€” the substance or substances of which a thing is made or composed: Stone is a durable material.
  • device β€” A device is an object that has been invented for a particular purpose, for example for recording or measuring something.
  • gimcrack β€” a showy, useless trifle; gewgaw.
  • appliance β€” An appliance is a device or machine in your home that you use to do a job such as cleaning or cooking. Appliances are often electrical.
  • convenience β€” If something is done for your convenience, it is done in a way that is useful or suitable for you.
  • thingamajig β€” a gadget or other thing for which the speaker does not know or has forgotten the name.
  • implement β€” any article used in some activity, especially an instrument, tool, or utensil: agricultural implements.
  • whatsis β€” a thing or object whose name one does not know or cannot recall.
  • thingamabob β€” thingamajig.
  • gadget β€” a mechanical contrivance or device; any ingenious article.
  • setup β€” Surveying. station (def 14a). a surveying instrument precisely positioned for observations from a station. a gap between the end of a chain or tape being used for a measurement and the point toward which it is laid.
  • plan β€” a scheme or method of acting, doing, proceeding, making, etc., developed in advance: battle plans.
  • means β€” to have in mind as one's purpose or intention; intend: I meant to compliment you on your work. Synonyms: contemplate.
  • fabrication β€” the act or process of fabricating; manufacture.
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