
All conte synonyms

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noun conte

  • version β€” a particular account of some matter, as from one person or source, contrasted with some other account: two different versions of the accident.
  • fantasy β€” imagination, especially when extravagant and unrestrained.
  • fable β€” a short tale to teach a moral lesson, often with animals or inanimate objects as characters; apologue: the fable of the tortoise and the hare; Aesop's fables.
  • biography β€” A biography of someone is an account of their life, written by someone else.
  • information β€” knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance; news: information concerning a crime.
  • feature β€” a prominent or conspicuous part or characteristic: Tall buildings were a new feature on the skyline.
  • fiction β€” works of this class, as novels or short stories: detective fiction.
  • book β€” A book is a number of pieces of paper, usually with words printed on them, which are fastened together and fixed inside a cover of stronger paper or cardboard. Books contain information, stories, or poetry, for example.
  • comedy β€” Comedy consists of types of entertainment, such as plays and films, or particular scenes in them, that are intended to make people laugh.
  • memoir β€” a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation.
  • description β€” You can say that something is beyond description, or that it defies description, to emphasize that it is very unusual, impressive, terrible, or extreme.
  • myth β€” a traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being or hero or event, with or without a determinable basis of fact or a natural explanation, especially one that is concerned with deities or demigods and explains some practice, rite, or phenomenon of nature.
  • autobiography β€” Your autobiography is an account of your life, which you write yourself.
  • anecdote β€” An anecdote is a short, amusing account of something that has happened.
  • adventure β€” If someone has an adventure, they become involved in an unusual, exciting, and rather dangerous journey or series of events.
  • report β€” an account or statement describing in detail an event, situation, or the like, usually as the result of observation, inquiry, etc.: a report on the peace conference; a medical report on the patient.
  • article β€” An article is a piece of writing that is published in a newspaper or magazine.
  • tragedy β€” a lamentable, dreadful, or fatal event or affair; calamity; disaster: stunned by the tragedy of so many deaths.
  • novel β€” Roman Law. an imperial enactment subsequent and supplementary to an imperial compilation and codification of authoritative legal materials. Usually, Novels. imperial enactments subsequent to the promulgation of Justinian's Code and supplementary to it: one of the four divisions of the Corpus Juris Civilis.
  • drama β€” a composition in prose or verse presenting in dialogue or pantomime a story involving conflict or contrast of character, especially one intended to be acted on the stage; a play.
  • record β€” to cause to be set down or registered: to record one's vote.
  • legend β€” a nonhistorical or unverifiable story handed down by tradition from earlier times and popularly accepted as historical.
  • tale β€” a narrative that relates the details of some real or imaginary event, incident, or case; story: a tale about Lincoln's dog.
  • narrative β€” a story or account of events, experiences, or the like, whether true or fictitious.
  • history β€” the branch of knowledge dealing with past events.
  • yarn β€” thread made of natural or synthetic fibers and used for knitting and weaving.
  • parable β€” a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson.
  • sequel β€” a literary work, movie, etc., that is complete in itself but continues the narrative of a preceding work.
  • chronicle β€” To chronicle a series of events means to write about them or show them in broadcasts in the order in which they happened.
  • saga β€” a medieval Icelandic or Norse prose narrative of achievements and events in the history of a personage, family, etc.
  • apologue β€” an allegory or moral fable
  • allegory β€” An allegory is a story, poem, or painting in which the characters and events are symbols of something else. Allegories are often moral, religious, or political.
  • beat β€” If you beat someone or something, you hit them very hard.
  • recital β€” a musical entertainment given usually by a single performer or by a performer and one or more accompanists.
  • romance β€” Music. a short, simple melody, vocal or instrumental, of tender character.
  • scoop β€” a ladle or ladlelike utensil, especially a small, deep-sided shovel with a short, horizontal handle, for taking up flour, sugar, etc.
  • relation β€” an existing connection; a significant association between or among things: the relation between cause and effect.
  • narration β€” something narrated; an account, story, or narrative.
  • gag β€” to introduce usually comic interpolations into (a script, an actor's part, or the like) (usually followed by up).
  • cliffhanger β€” A cliffhanger is a situation or part of a play or film that is very exciting or frightening because you are left for a long time not knowing what will happen next.
  • serial β€” anything published, broadcast, etc., in short installments at regular intervals, as a novel appearing in successive issues of a magazine.
  • spiel β€” a usually high-flown talk or speech, especially for the purpose of luring people to a movie, a sale, etc.; pitch.
  • folktale β€” a tale or legend originating and traditional among a people or folk, especially one forming part of the oral tradition of the common people.
  • nonfiction β€” the branch of literature comprising works of narrative prose dealing with or offering opinions or conjectures upon facts and reality, including biography, history, and the essay (opposed to fiction and distinguished from poetry and drama).
  • potboiler β€” a mediocre work of literature or art produced merely for financial gain.
  • account β€” If you have an account with a bank or a similar organization, you have an arrangement to leave your money there and take some out when you need it.
  • news β€” netnews
  • fairy tale β€” a story, usually for children, about elves, hobgoblins, dragons, fairies, or other magical creatures.
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