
All complex synonyms

C c

noun complex

  • organization β€” the act or process of organizing.
  • scheme β€” a plan, design, or program of action to be followed; project.
  • syndrome β€” Pathology, Psychiatry. a group of symptoms that together are characteristic of a specific disorder, disease, or the like.
  • synthesis β€” the combining of the constituent elements of separate material or abstract entities into a single or unified entity (opposed to analysis, ) the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements.
  • totality β€” something that is total or constitutes a total; the total amount; a whole.

adj complex

  • circuitous β€” A circuitous route is long and complicated rather than simple and direct.
  • confused β€” If you are confused, you do not know exactly what is happening or what to do.
  • heterogeneous β€” different in kind; unlike; incongruous.
  • knotty β€” having knots; full of knots: a knotty piece of wood.
  • labyrinthine β€” of, relating to, or resembling a labyrinth.
  • miscellaneous β€” consisting of members or elements of different kinds; of mixed character: a book of miscellaneous essays on American history.
  • mixed β€” put together or formed by mixing.
  • mixed-up β€” completely confused or emotionally unstable: a mixed-up teenager.
  • multifarious β€” having many different parts, elements, forms, etc.
  • tangled β€” snarled, interlaced, or mixed up: tangled thread.
  • tortuous β€” full of twists, turns, or bends; twisting, winding, or crooked: a tortuous path.
  • variegated β€” varied in appearance or color; marked with patches or spots of different colors.
  • multiform β€” having many different shapes, forms, or kinds.
  • abstruse β€” You can describe something as abstruse if you find it difficult to understand, especially when you think it could be explained more simply.
  • cryptic β€” A cryptic remark or message contains a hidden meaning or is difficult to understand.
  • discursive β€” passing aimlessly from one subject to another; digressive; rambling.
  • disordered β€” lacking organization or in confusion; disarranged.
  • hidden β€” concealed; obscure; covert: hidden meaning; hidden hostility.
  • impenetrable β€” not penetrable; that cannot be penetrated, pierced, entered, etc.
  • inscrutable β€” incapable of being investigated, analyzed, or scrutinized; impenetrable.
  • interwoven β€” to weave together, as threads, strands, branches, or roots.
  • involved β€” very intricate or complex: an involved reply.
  • jumbled β€” to mix in a confused mass; put or throw together without order: You've jumbled up all the cards.
  • knotted β€” having knots; knotty.
  • meandering β€” to proceed by or take a winding or indirect course: The stream meandered through the valley.
  • muddled β€” to mix up in a confused or bungling manner; jumble.
  • puzzling β€” confusing or baffling: a puzzling answer.
  • rambling β€” aimlessly wandering.
  • recondite β€” dealing with very profound, difficult, or abstruse subject matter: a recondite treatise.
  • sinuous β€” having many curves, bends, or turns; winding: a sinuous path.
  • undecipherable β€” to make out the meaning of (poor or partially obliterated writing, etc.): to decipher a hastily scribbled note.
  • unfathomable β€” not able to be fathomed, or completely understood; incomprehensible: heroism in the face of unfathomable conflict.
  • crabbed β€” surly; irritable; perverse
  • daedalean β€” an Athenian architect who built the labyrinth for Minos and made wings for himself and his son Icarus to escape from Crete.
  • gordian β€” pertaining to Gordius, ancient king of Phrygia, who tied a knot (the Gordian knot) that, according to prophecy, was to be undone only by the person who was to rule Asia, and that was cut, rather than untied, by Alexander the Great.
  • bewildering β€” A bewildering thing or situation is very confusing and difficult to understand or to make a decision about.
  • mazy β€” full of confusing turns, passages, etc.; like a maze; labyrinthine.
  • paradoxical β€” having the nature of a paradox; self-contradictory.
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