
All coloration synonyms

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noun coloration

  • appearance β€” When someone makes an appearance at a public event or in a broadcast, they take part in it.
  • hue β€” a seaport in central Vietnam: former capital of Annam.
  • intensity β€” the quality or condition of being intense.
  • glow β€” a light emitted by or as if by a substance heated to luminosity; incandescence.
  • stain β€” a discoloration produced by foreign matter having penetrated into or chemically reacted with a material; a spot not easily removed.
  • paint β€” a substance composed of solid coloring matter suspended in a liquid medium and applied as a protective or decorative coating to various surfaces, or to canvas or other materials in producing a work of art.
  • texture β€” the visual and especially tactile quality of a surface: rough texture.
  • skin β€” the external covering or integument of an animal body, especially when soft and flexible.
  • blend β€” If you blend substances together or if they blend, you mix them together so that they become one substance.
  • undertone β€” a low or subdued tone: to speak in undertones.
  • saturation β€” the act or process of saturating.
  • tint β€” a color or a variety of a color; hue.
  • tincture β€” Pharmacology. a solution of alcohol or of alcohol and water, containing animal, vegetable, or chemical drugs.
  • cast β€” The cast of a play or film is all the people who act in it.
  • luminosity β€” luminance (def 2).
  • value β€” relative worth, merit, or importance: the value of a college education; the value of a queen in chess.
  • iridescence β€” iridescent quality; a play of lustrous, changing colors.
  • wash β€” to apply water or some other liquid to (something or someone) for the purpose of cleansing; cleanse by dipping, rubbing, or scrubbing in water or some other liquid.
  • coloring β€” The coloring of something is the color or colors that it is.
  • complexion β€” When you refer to someone's complexion, you are referring to the natural colour or condition of the skin on their face.
  • dye β€” a coloring material or matter.
  • blush β€” When you blush, your face becomes redder than usual because you are ashamed or embarrassed.
  • tinge β€” to impart a trace or slight degree of some color to; tint.
  • tinct β€” to tinge or tint, as with color.
  • chromatism β€” chromatic aberration
  • chroma β€” the attribute of a colour that enables an observer to judge how much chromatic colour it contains irrespective of achromatic colour present
  • pigmentation β€” coloration, especially of the skin.
  • chromaticity β€” the quality of a colour or light with reference to its purity and its dominant wavelength
  • tone β€” (Theobald) Wolfe, 1763–98, Irish nationalist and martyr for independence.
  • color β€” the sensation resulting from stimulation of the retina of the eye by light waves of certain lengths
  • mug β€” a drinking cup, usually cylindrical in shape, having a handle, and often of a heavy substance, as earthenware.
  • flush β€” a hand or set of cards all of one suit. Compare royal flush, straight flush.
  • front β€” the foremost part or surface of anything.
  • phiz β€” face.
  • pigment β€” a dry insoluble substance, usually pulverized, which when suspended in a liquid vehicle becomes a paint, ink, etc.
  • shade β€” the comparative darkness caused by the interception or screening of rays of light from an object, place, or area.
  • nib β€” his/her nibs, Informal: Often Facetious. a person in authority, especially one who is demanding and tyrannical: His nibs wants fresh strawberries in December.
  • dyestuff β€” a material yielding or used as a dye.
  • trace β€” either of the two straps, ropes, or chains by which a carriage, wagon, or the like is drawn by a harnessed horse or other draft animal.
  • hint β€” an indirect, covert, or helpful suggestion; clue: Give me a hint as to his identity.
  • taint β€” the area between the testicles or vulva and the anus; the perineum.
  • dash β€” If you dash somewhere, you run or go there quickly and suddenly.
  • suggestion β€” the act of suggesting.
  • touch β€” to put the hand, finger, etc., on or into contact with (something) to feel it: He touched the iron cautiously.
  • rinse β€” to wash lightly, as by pouring water into or over or by dipping in water: to rinse a cup.
  • colorant β€” A colorant is a substance that is used to give something a particular color.
  • pattern β€” a distinctive style, model, or form: a new pattern of army helmet.
  • colouring β€” The colouring of something is the colour or colours that it is.
  • colour β€” The colour of something is the appearance that it has as a result of the way in which it reflects light. Red, blue, and green are colours.
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