
All carafe synonyms

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noun carafe

  • vessel β€” a craft for traveling on water, now usually one larger than an ordinary rowboat; a ship or boat.
  • jug β€” a sound made by a bird, especially a nightingale.
  • kettle β€” a metal container in which to boil liquids, cook foods, etc.; pot.
  • pot β€” a deep hole; pit.
  • crate β€” A crate is a large box used for transporting or storing things.
  • packet β€” a small group or package of anything: a packet of letters.
  • vessel β€” a craft for traveling on water, now usually one larger than an ordinary rowboat; a ship or boat.
  • dish β€” Slang. to gossip about: They talked all night, dishing their former friends.
  • storage β€” the act of storing; state or fact of being stored: All my furniture is in storage.
  • bowl β€” A bowl is a round container with a wide uncovered top. Some kinds of bowl are used, for example, for serving or eating food from, or in cooking, while other larger kinds are used for washing or cleaning.
  • carton β€” A carton is a plastic or cardboard container in which food or drink is sold.
  • pail β€” bucket.
  • utensil β€” any of the instruments or vessels commonly used in a kitchen, dairy, etc.: eating utensils; baking utensils.
  • vase β€” a vessel, as of glass, porcelain, earthenware, or metal, usually higher than it is wide, used chiefly to hold cut flowers or for decoration.
  • capsule β€” A capsule is a very small tube containing powdered or liquid medicine, which you swallow.
  • sack β€” a strong light-colored wine formerly imported from Spain and the Canary Islands.
  • pouch β€” a bag, sack, or similar receptacle, especially one for small articles or quantities: a tobacco pouch.
  • box β€” A box is a square or rectangular container with hard or stiff sides. Boxes often have lids.
  • tank β€” to put or store in a tank.
  • package β€” a bundle of something, usually of small or medium size, that is packed and wrapped or boxed; parcel.
  • bucket β€” A bucket is a round metal or plastic container with a handle attached to its sides. Buckets are often used for holding and carrying water.
  • bag β€” A bag is a container made of thin paper or plastic, for example one that is used in shops to put things in that a customer has bought.
  • can β€” You use can when you are mentioning a quality or fact about something which people may make use of if they want to.
  • bottle β€” A bottle is a glass or plastic container in which drinks and other liquids are kept. Bottles are usually round with straight sides and a narrow top.
  • canister β€” A canister is a strong metal container. It is used to hold gases or chemical substances.
  • tub β€” a bathtub.
  • chalice β€” A chalice is a large gold or silver cup with a stem. Chalices are used to hold wine in the Christian service of Holy Communion.
  • vial β€” Also, phial. a small container, as of glass, for holding liquids: a vial of rare perfume; a vial of medicine.
  • glass β€” Carter, 1858–1946, U.S. statesman.
  • urn β€” Uniform Resource Name
  • jar β€” Java archive
  • flask β€” the armored plates making up the sides of a gun-carriage trail.
  • soldier β€” a person who serves in an army; a person engaged in military service.
  • decanter β€” A decanter is a glass container that you use for serving wine, sherry, or port.
  • canteen β€” A canteen is a place in a factory, shop, or college where meals are served to the people who work or study there.
  • flagon β€” a large bottle for wine, liquors, etc.
  • cruet β€” A cruet is a small container, or set of containers, for salt, pepper, or mustard which is used at meals.
  • phial β€” vial.
  • sac β€” Strategic Air Command.
  • cistern β€” A cistern is a container which stores the water supply for a building, or that holds the water for flushing a toilet.
  • pod β€” the straight groove or channel in the body of certain augers or bits.
  • churn β€” A churn is a container which is used for making butter.
  • receptacle β€” a container, device, etc., that receives or holds something: a receptacle for trash.
  • hamper β€” to hold back; hinder; impede: A steady rain hampered the progress of the work.
  • casket β€” A casket is a small box in which you keep valuable things.
  • repository β€” a receptacle or place where things are deposited, stored, or offered for sale: a repository for discarded clothing.
  • chamber β€” A chamber is a large room, especially one that is used for formal meetings.
  • pit β€” the stone of a fruit, as of a cherry, peach, or plum.
  • chest β€” Your chest is the top part of the front of your body where your ribs, lungs, and heart are.
  • cradle β€” A cradle is a baby's bed with high sides. Cradles often have curved bases so that they rock from side to side.
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