
All burn up synonyms

burn up
B b

verb burn up

  • perturb β€” to disturb or disquiet greatly in mind; agitate.
  • sizzle β€” to make a hissing sound, as in frying or burning.
  • alarm β€” Alarm is a feeling of fear or anxiety that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen.
  • scorch β€” to affect the color, taste, etc., of by burning slightly: The collar of the shirt was yellow where the iron had scorched it.
  • confuse β€” If you confuse two things, you get them mixed up, so that you think one of them is the other one.
  • distract β€” to draw away or divert, as the mind or attention: The music distracted him from his work.
  • inflame β€” to kindle or excite (passions, desires, etc.).
  • fluster β€” to put into a state of agitated confusion: His constant criticism flustered me.
  • incite β€” to stir, encourage, or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action: to incite a crowd to riot.
  • disconcert β€” to disturb the self-possession of; perturb; ruffle: Her angry reply disconcerted me completely.
  • roar β€” a loud, deep cry or howl, as of an animal or a person: the roar of a lion.
  • tear β€” the act of tearing.
  • assault β€” An assault by an army is a strong attack made on an area held by the enemy.
  • stalk β€” an act or course of stalking quarry, prey, or the like: We shot the mountain goat after a five-hour stalk.
  • rip β€” to cut or tear apart in a rough or vigorous manner: to rip open a seam; to rip up a sheet.
  • annoy β€” If someone or something annoys you, it makes you fairly angry and impatient.
  • aggravate β€” If someone or something aggravates a situation, they make it worse.
  • displease β€” to incur the dissatisfaction, dislike, or disapproval of; offend; annoy: His reply displeased the judge.
  • infuriate β€” to make furious; enrage.
  • irritate β€” to excite to impatience or anger; annoy.
  • offend β€” to irritate, annoy, or anger; cause resentful displeasure in: Even the hint of prejudice offends me.
  • rile β€” to irritate or vex.
  • antagonize β€” If you antagonize someone, you make them feel angry or hostile towards you.
  • incense β€” an aromatic gum or other substance producing a sweet odor when burned, used in religious ceremonies, to enhance a mood, etc.
  • outrage β€” an act of wanton cruelty or violence; any gross violation of law or decency.
  • provoke β€” to anger, enrage, exasperate, or vex.
  • rankle β€” (of unpleasant feelings, experiences, etc.) to continue to cause keen irritation or bitter resentment within the mind; fester; be painful.
  • burden β€” If you describe a problem or a responsibility as a burden, you mean that it causes someone a lot of difficulty, worry, or hard work.
  • concern β€” Concern is worry about a situation.
  • drain β€” to withdraw or draw off (a liquid) gradually; remove slowly or by degrees, as by filtration: to drain oil from a crankcase.
  • dissipate β€” to scatter in various directions; disperse; dispel.
  • lose β€” to come to be without (something in one's possession or care), through accident, theft, etc., so that there is little or no prospect of recovery: I'm sure I've merely misplaced my hat, not lost it.
  • divert β€” to turn aside or from a path or course; deflect.
  • undermine β€” to injure or destroy by insidious activity or imperceptible stages, sometimes tending toward a sudden dramatic effect.
  • turn off β€” to cause to move around on an axis or about a center; rotate: to turn a wheel.
  • peeve β€” to render peevish; annoy.
  • bother β€” If you do not bother to do something or if you do not bother with it, you do not do it, consider it, or use it because you think it is unnecessary or because you are too lazy.
  • irk β€” to irritate, annoy, or exasperate: It irked him to wait in line.
  • bore β€” If someone or something bores you, you find them dull and uninteresting.
  • fire up β€” start ignition of
  • deplete β€” To deplete a stock or amount of something means to reduce it.
  • use up β€” to employ for some purpose; put into service; make use of: to use a knife.
  • desolate β€” A desolate place is empty of people and lacking in comfort.
  • afflict β€” If you are afflicted by pain, illness, or disaster, it affects you badly and makes you suffer.
  • agonize β€” If you agonize over something, you feel very anxious about it and spend a long time thinking about it.
  • wound β€” the act of winding.
  • strap β€” a narrow strip of flexible material, especially leather, as for fastening or holding things together.
  • strain β€” to draw tight or taut, especially to the utmost tension; stretch to the full: to strain a rope.
  • torment β€” to afflict with great bodily or mental suffering; pain: to be tormented with violent headaches.
  • hound β€” Nautical. either of a pair of fore-and-aft members at the lower end of the head of a mast, for supporting the trestletrees, that support an upper mast at its heel. Compare cheek (def 12).
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