
All buffoonery synonyms

B b

noun buffoonery

  • joke β€” something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act: He tells very funny jokes. She played a joke on him.
  • nonsense β€” words or language having little or no sense or meaning.
  • amusement β€” Amusement is the feeling that you have when you think that something is funny or amusing.
  • pun β€” the humorous use of a word or phrase so as to emphasize or suggest its different meanings or applications, or the use of words that are alike or nearly alike in sound but different in meaning; a play on words.
  • humor β€” hacker humour
  • antic β€” an actor in a ludicrous or grotesque part; clown; buffoon
  • one-liner β€” a brief joke or amusing remark.
  • trick β€” a crafty or underhanded device, maneuver, stratagem, or the like, intended to deceive or cheat; artifice; ruse; wile.
  • laugh β€” to express mirth, pleasure, derision, or nervousness with an audible, vocal expulsion of air from the lungs that can range from a loud burst of sound to a series of quiet chuckles and is usually accompanied by characteristic facial and bodily movements.
  • stunt β€” to use in doing stunts: to stunt an airplane.
  • prank β€” a trick of an amusing, playful, or sometimes malicious nature.
  • sarcasm β€” harsh or bitter derision or irony.
  • jeer β€” to speak or shout derisively; scoff or gibe rudely: Don't jeer unless you can do better.
  • disdain β€” to look upon or treat with contempt; despise; scorn.
  • satire β€” the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.
  • derision β€” If you treat someone or something with derision, you express contempt for them.
  • taunt β€” to reproach in a sarcastic, insulting, or jeering manner; mock.
  • scorn β€” open or unqualified contempt; disdain: His face and attitude showed the scorn he felt.
  • contempt β€” If you have contempt for someone or something, you have no respect for them or think that they are unimportant.
  • taunting β€” to reproach in a sarcastic, insulting, or jeering manner; mock.
  • comedy β€” Comedy consists of types of entertainment, such as plays and films, or particular scenes in them, that are intended to make people laugh.
  • mockery β€” ridicule, contempt, or derision.
  • joke β€” something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act: He tells very funny jokes. She played a joke on him.
  • skit β€” a short literary piece of a humorous or satirical character.
  • burlesque β€” A burlesque is a performance or a piece of writing that makes fun of something by copying it in an exaggerated way. You can also use burlesque to refer to a situation in real life that is like this.
  • caricature β€” A caricature of someone is a drawing or description of them that exaggerates their appearance or behaviour in a humorous or critical way.
  • sham β€” something that is not what it purports to be; a spurious imitation; fraud or hoax.
  • travesty β€” a grotesque or debased likeness or imitation: a travesty of justice.
  • slapstick β€” broad comedy characterized by boisterous action, as the throwing of pies in actors' faces, mugging, and obvious farcical situations and jokes.
  • absurdity β€” the quality or state of being absurd; nonsense
  • parody β€” a humorous or satirical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing: his hilarious parody of Hamlet's soliloquy.
  • celebration β€” A celebration is a special enjoyable event that people organize because something pleasant has happened or because it is someone's birthday or anniversary.
  • pastime β€” something that serves to make time pass agreeably; a pleasant means of amusement, recreation, or sport: to play cards as a pastime.
  • joy β€” a female given name.
  • pleasure β€” the state or feeling of being pleased.
  • sport β€” an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.
  • laughter β€” the action or sound of laughing.
  • distraction β€” the act of distracting.
  • misbehavior β€” improper, inappropriate, or bad behavior.
  • hijinks β€” boisterous celebration or merrymaking; unrestrained fun: The city is full of conventioneers indulging in their usual high jinks.
  • banter β€” Banter is teasing or joking talk that is amusing and friendly.
  • whimsy β€” capricious humor or disposition; extravagant, fanciful, or excessively playful expression: a play with lots of whimsy.
  • gag β€” to introduce usually comic interpolations into (a script, an actor's part, or the like) (usually followed by up).
  • wit β€” the keen perception and cleverly apt expression of those connections between ideas that awaken amusement and pleasure. Synonyms: drollery, facetiousness, waggishness, repartee.
  • fun β€” something that provides mirth or amusement: A picnic would be fun.
  • wisecrack β€” a smart or facetious remark.
  • amusement β€” Amusement is the feeling that you have when you think that something is funny or amusing.
  • drollery β€” something whimsically amusing or funny.
  • jocosity β€” the state or quality of being jocose.
  • levity β€” lightness of mind, character, or behavior; lack of appropriate seriousness or earnestness.
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