
All breath synonyms

B b

noun breath

  • gasp β€” a sudden, short intake of breath, as in shock or surprise.
  • breathing β€” the passage of air into and out of the lungs to supply the body with oxygen
  • sigh β€” to let out one's breath audibly, as from sorrow, weariness, or relief.
  • smell β€” to perceive the odor or scent of through the nose by means of the olfactory nerves; inhale the odor of: I smell something burning.
  • whiff β€” any of several flatfishes having both eyes on the left side of the head, of the genus Citharichthys, as C. cornutus (horned whiff) inhabiting Atlantic waters from New England to Brazil.
  • breather β€” If you take a breather, you stop what you are doing for a short time and have a rest.
  • pant β€” to breathe hard and quickly, as after exertion.
  • gulp β€” to gasp or choke, as when taking large drafts of a liquid.
  • wheeze β€” to breathe with difficulty and with a whistling sound: Asthma caused him to wheeze.
  • animation β€” Animation is the process of making films in which drawings or puppets appear to move.
  • inspiration β€” an inspiring or animating action or influence: I cannot write poetry without inspiration.
  • inhalation β€” an act or instance of inhaling.
  • insufflation β€” to blow or breathe (something) in.
  • vapor β€” a visible exhalation, as fog, mist, steam, smoke, or noxious gas, diffused through or suspended in the air: the vapors rising from the bogs.
  • gust β€” Archaic. flavor or taste.
  • odor β€” the property of a substance that activates the sense of smell: to have an unpleasant odor.
  • waft β€” to carry lightly and smoothly through the air or over water: The gentle breeze wafted the sound of music to our ears.
  • aroma β€” An aroma is a strong, pleasant smell.
  • puff β€” a short, quick blast, as of wind or breath.
  • flutter β€” to wave, flap, or toss about: Banners fluttered in the breeze.
  • zephyr β€” a gentle, mild breeze.
  • flatus β€” intestinal gas produced by bacterial action on waste matter in the intestines and composed primarily of hydrogen sulfide and varying amounts of methane.
  • blow β€” When a wind or breeze blows, the air moves.
  • pause β€” a temporary stop or rest, especially in speech or action: a short pause after each stroke of the oar.
  • instant β€” an infinitesimal or very short space of time; a moment: They arrived not an instant too soon.
  • second β€” next after the first; being the ordinal number for two.
  • rest β€” a support for a lance; lance rest.
  • moment β€” an indefinitely short period of time; instant: I'll be with you in a moment.
  • ten β€” a cardinal number, nine plus one.
  • streak β€” a long, narrow mark, smear, band of color, or the like: streaks of mud.
  • murmur β€” a low, continuous sound, as of a brook, the wind, or trees, or of low, indistinct voices.
  • trace β€” either of the two straps, ropes, or chains by which a carriage, wagon, or the like is drawn by a harnessed horse or other draft animal.
  • whisper β€” to speak with soft, hushed sounds, using the breath, lips, etc., but with no vibration of the vocal cords.
  • dash β€” If you dash somewhere, you run or go there quickly and suddenly.
  • undertone β€” a low or subdued tone: to speak in undertones.
  • suspicion β€” act of suspecting.
  • shade β€” the comparative darkness caused by the interception or screening of rays of light from an object, place, or area.
  • touch β€” to put the hand, finger, etc., on or into contact with (something) to feel it: He touched the iron cautiously.
  • breathing space β€” A breathing space is a short period of time between two activities in which you can recover from the first activity and prepare for the second one.
  • soupcon β€” a slight trace, as of a particular taste or flavor.
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