
All blubbery synonyms

B b

adj blubbery

  • crying β€” notorious; lamentable (esp in the phrase crying shame)
  • oily β€” smeared or covered with oil; greasy: an oily road surface.
  • greasy β€” smeared, covered, or soiled with grease.
  • heavy β€” of great weight; hard to lift or carry: a heavy load.
  • wide β€” having considerable or great extent from side to side; broad: a wide boulevard.
  • broad β€” Something that is broad is wide.
  • hard β€” not soft; solid and firm to the touch; unyielding to pressure and impenetrable or almost impenetrable.
  • fat β€” File Allocation Table
  • chunky β€” A chunky person is broad and heavy.
  • massive β€” consisting of or forming a large mass; bulky and heavy: massive columns.
  • effusive β€” unduly demonstrative; lacking reserve: effusive greetings; an effusive person.
  • rich β€” having wealth or great possessions; abundantly supplied with resources, means, or funds; wealthy: a rich man; a rich nation.
  • compact β€” Compact things are small or take up very little space. You use this word when you think this is a good quality.
  • firm β€” not soft or yielding when pressed; comparatively solid, hard, stiff, or rigid: firm ground; firm texture.
  • squat β€” to sit in a low or crouching position with the legs drawn up closely beneath or in front of the body; sit on one's haunches or heels.
  • solid β€” having three dimensions (length, breadth, and thickness), as a geometrical body or figure.
  • high β€” having a great or considerable extent or reach upward or vertically; lofty; tall: a high wall.
  • concrete β€” Concrete is a substance used for building which is made by mixing together cement, sand, small stones, and water.
  • husky β€” big and strong; burly.
  • unctuous β€” characterized by excessive piousness or moralistic fervor, especially in an affected manner; excessively smooth, suave, or smug.
  • oleaginous β€” having the nature or qualities of oil.
  • defat β€” to remove the fat from (a substance)
  • lardaceous β€” lardlike; fatty.
  • lardy β€” like or consisting of lard: lardy pastry.
  • suety β€” the hard fatty tissue about the loins and kidneys of beef, sheep, etc., used in cooking or processed to yield tallow.
  • distressed β€” afflicted with or suffering distress: distress livestock; distress wheat.
  • dolorous β€” full of, expressing, or causing pain or sorrow; grievous; mournful: a dolorous melody; dolorous news.
  • lachrymose β€” suggestive of or tending to cause tears; mournful.
  • lamentable β€” that is to be lamented; regrettable; unfortunate: a lamentable decision.
  • lamenting β€” to feel or express sorrow or regret for: to lament his absence.
  • moist β€” moderately or slightly wet; damp.
  • pathetic β€” causing or evoking pity, sympathetic sadness, sorrow, etc.; pitiful; pitiable: a pathetic letter; a pathetic sight.
  • pitiful β€” evoking or deserving pity: a pitiful fate.
  • poignant β€” keenly distressing to the feelings: poignant regret.
  • sad β€” Systems Analysis Definition
  • sorrowful β€” full of or feeling sorrow; grieved; sad.
  • watery β€” pertaining to or connected with water: watery Neptune.
  • weeping β€” expressing grief, sorrow, or any overwhelming emotion by shedding tears: weeping multitudes.
  • weepy β€” weeping or tending to weep; tearful; lachrymose.
  • wet β€” moistened, covered, or soaked with water or some other liquid: wet hands.
  • woeful β€” full of woe; wretched; unhappy: a woeful situation.
  • bawling β€” to cry or wail lustily.
  • blubbering β€” Zoology. the fat layer between the skin and muscle of whales and other cetaceans, from which oil is made.
  • pitiable β€” evoking or deserving pity; lamentable: pitiable, homeless children.
  • sobbing β€” to weep with a convulsive catching of the breath.
  • teary β€” of or like tears.
  • sniveling β€” to weep or cry with sniffling.
  • burly β€” A burly man has a broad body and strong muscles.
  • obese β€” very fat or overweight; corpulent.
  • pudgy β€” short and fat or thick: an infant's pudgy fingers.
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