
Rhymes with laureates

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Four-or-more syllable rhymes

  • imperious — domineering in a haughty manner; dictatorial; overbearing: an imperious manner; an imperious person.
  • victorious — having achieved a victory; conquering; triumphant: our victorious army.
  • vicarious — performed, exercised, received, or suffered in place of another: vicarious punishment.
  • precarious — dependent on circumstances beyond one's control; uncertain; unstable; insecure: a precarious livelihood.
  • notorious — widely and unfavorably known: a notorious gambler. Synonyms: infamous, egregious, outrageous, arrant, flagrant, disreputable.
  • nefarious — extremely wicked or villainous; iniquitous: a nefarious plot.
  • mysterious — full of, characterized by, or involving mystery: a mysterious occurrence.
  • luxurious — characterized by luxury; ministering or conducive to luxury: a luxurious hotel.
  • laborious — requiring much work, exertion, or perseverance: a laborious undertaking.
  • invariance — The property of being invariant.
  • injurious — harmful, hurtful, or detrimental, as in effect: injurious eating habits.
  • inglorious — shameful; disgraceful: inglorious retreat.
  • hilarious — arousing great merriment; extremely funny: a hilarious story; a hilarious old movie.
  • gregarious — fond of the company of others; sociable.
  • experience — Practical contact with and observation of facts or events.
  • delirious — Someone who is delirious is unable to think or speak in a sensible and reasonable way, usually because they are very ill and have a fever.
  • aquarius — Aquarius is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Its symbol is a person pouring water. People who are born approximately between 20th January and 18th February come under this sign.

Four-or-more syllable rhymes

  • stradivarius — a violin or other instrument made by Stradivari or his family.
  • meritorious — deserving praise, reward, esteem, etc.; praiseworthy: to receive a gift for meritorious service.
  • inexperience — lack of experience.
  • deleterious — Something that has a deleterious effect on something has a harmful effect on it.

Three-syllable rhymes

  • curious — eager to learn; inquisitive
  • various — of different kinds, as two or more things; differing one from another: Various experiments have not proved his theory.
  • variance — the state, quality, or fact of being variable, divergent, different, or anomalous.
  • spurious — not genuine, authentic, or true; not from the claimed, pretended, or proper source; counterfeit.
  • serious — of, showing, or characterized by deep thought.
  • penurious — extremely stingy; parsimonious; miserly.
  • laureate — a person who has been honored for achieving distinction in a particular field or with a particular award: a Nobel laureate.
  • glorious — delightful; wonderful; completely enjoyable: to have a glorious time at the circus.
  • furious — full of fury, violent passion, or rage; extremely angry; enraged: He was furious about the accident.
  • denarius — a silver coin of ancient Rome, often called a penny in translation
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