
Rhymes with grassroot

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One-syllable rhymes

  • boot — Boots are shoes that cover your whole foot and the lower part of your leg.
  • brut — (of champagne) not sweet; dry
  • brute — If you call someone, usually a man, a brute, you mean that they are rough, violent, and insensitive.
  • bute — the drug phenylbutazone, esp when used in the illegal doping of racehorses
  • butte — an isolated steep-sided flat-topped hill
  • chute — A chute is a steep, narrow slope down which people or things can slide.
  • cute — Something or someone that is cute is very pretty or attractive, or is intended to appear pretty or attractive.
  • flute — a musical wind instrument consisting of a tube with a series of fingerholes or keys, in which the wind is directed against a sharp edge, either directly, as in the modern transverse flute, or through a flue, as in the recorder.
  • fruit — any product of plant growth useful to humans or animals.
  • grootHuig [hœikh] /hœɪx/ (Show IPA), Hugo Grotius.
  • hoot — to cry out or shout, especially in disapproval or derision.
  • jute — a member of a continental Germanic tribe, probably from Jutland, that invaded Britain in the 5th century a.d. and settled in Kent.
  • loot — spoils or plunder taken by pillaging, as in war.
  • lute — a paving tool for spreading and smoothing concrete, consisting of a straightedge mounted transversely on a long handle.
  • moot — open to discussion or debate; debatable; doubtful: Whether that was the cause of their troubles is a moot point.
  • mute — silent; refraining from speech or utterance.
  • newt — any of several brilliantly colored salamanders of the family Salamandridae, especially those of the genera Triturus and Notophthalmus, of North America, Europe, and northern Asia.
  • root — Elihu [el-uh-hyoo] /ˈɛl əˌhyu/ (Show IPA), 1845–1937, U.S. lawyer and statesman: Nobel Peace Prize 1912.
  • route — a course, way, or road for passage or travel: What's the shortest route to Boston?
  • scoot — to go swiftly or hastily; dart.
  • shoot — to hit, wound, damage, kill, or destroy with a missile discharged from a weapon.
  • shuteNevil (Nevil Shute Norway) 1899–1960, British novelist and aeronautical engineer.
  • suit — a set of clothing, armor, or the like, intended for wear together.
  • toot — (of a horn or whistle) to give forth its characteristic sound.

Two-syllable rhymes

  • acute — An acute accent is a symbol that is placed over vowels in some languages in order to indicate how that vowel is pronounced or over one letter in a word to indicate where it is stressed. You refer to a letter with this accent as, for example, e acute. For example, there is an acute accent over the letter 'e' in the French word 'café'.
  • astute — If you describe someone as astute, you think they show an understanding of behaviour and situations, and are skilful at using this knowledge to their own advantage.
  • beirut — the capital of Lebanon, a port on the Mediterranean: part of the Ottoman Empire from the 16th century until 1918; many universities (including Lebanese, American, French, and Arab). Pop: 1 875 000 (2005 est)
  • cahoot — a business partnership
  • commute — If you commute, you travel a long distance every day between your home and your place of work.
  • compute — To compute a quantity or number means to calculate it.
  • coot — A coot is a water bird with black feathers and a white patch on its forehead.
  • cube root — The cube root of a number is another number that makes the first number when it is multiplied by itself twice. For example, the cube root of 8 is 2.
  • dilute — to make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by the addition of water or the like.
  • dispute — to engage in argument or debate.
  • dress suit — a man's suit for formal evening dress, with tail coat and open-front waistcoat.
  • enroute — Misspelling of en route.
  • false fruit — a fruit, as the apple, strawberry, or pineapple, that contains, in addition to a mature ovary and seeds, a significant amount of other tissue.
  • fipple flute — a recorder or other flutelike instrument equipped with a fipple.
  • half boot — a boot reaching about halfway to the knee.
  • hip boot — a hip-high boot, usually of rubber, worn by fishermen, firefighters, etc.
  • hirsute — hairy; shaggy.
  • impute — to attribute or ascribe: The children imputed magical powers to the old woman.
  • jump suit — a one-piece suit worn by parachutists for jumping.
  • key fruit — a samara.
  • long suit — Cards. the suit in which the most cards are held in a hand. (in bridge) a suit in which four or more cards are held in a hand.
  • lounge suit — a man's suit appropriate for informal occasions.
  • minute — the sixtieth part (1/60) of an hour; sixty seconds.
  • nose flute — (esp in the South Sea Islands) a type of flute blown through the nose
  • permute — to alter; change.
  • pollute — to make foul or unclean, especially with harmful chemical or waste products; dirty: to pollute the air with smoke.
  • prop root — an adventitious root that supports the plant, as the aerial roots of the mangrove tree or of corn.
  • pursuit — the act of pursuing: in pursuit of the fox.
  • recruit — a newly enlisted or drafted member of the armed forces.
  • refute — to prove to be false or erroneous, as an opinion or charge.
  • repute — estimation in the view of others; reputation: persons of good repute.
  • reroute — a course, way, or road for passage or travel: What's the shortest route to Boston?
  • salute — Military. to pay respect to or honor by some formal act, as by raising the right hand to the side of the headgear, presenting arms, firing cannon, dipping colors, etc.
  • simple fruit — a fruit formed from one pistil.
  • ski boot — a heavy, thick-soled, ankle-high shoe for skiing, often having padding and extra supporting straps and laces around the ankle, with grooves at the back of the heel for binding to a ski.
  • slack suit — a man's suit for casual wear consisting of slacks and a matching shirt or loose-fitting jacket.
  • square root — a quantity of which a given quantity is the square: The quantities +6 and −6 are square roots of 36 since (+6)×(+6)=36 and (−6)×(−6)=36.
  • star fruit — carambola (def 2).
  • stone fruit — a fruit with a stone or hard endocarp, as a peach or plum; drupe.
  • sweat suit — a set of garments consisting of sweatpants and a sweatshirt.
  • take root — a part of the body of a plant that develops, typically, from the radicle and grows downward into the soil, anchoring the plant and absorbing nutriment and moisture.
  • tank suit — a simple one-piece bathing suit for women, having a scoop neck and shoulder straps and usually no lining or inner construction; maillot.
  • to boot — Archaic. something given into the bargain.
  • top boot — a high boot, especially one having a cuff of a different material, color, etc., from the rest of the boot.
  • trade route — any route usually taken by merchant ships, caravans, etc.
  • uproot — to pull out by or as if by the roots: The hurricane uprooted many trees and telephone poles.

Three-syllable rhymes

  • absolut — (slang) absolute, usually in reference to something represented as trendy, popular, or cutting-edge.
  • bathing suit — A bathing suit is a piece of clothing which people wear when they go swimming.
  • birthday suit — If you are in your birthday suit, you are not wearing any clothes.
  • combat boot — a heavy army boot
  • congress boot — a high shoe with an elastic insert in each side
  • cowboy boot — a boot having a thick, angled heel of medium height and, usually, a pointed toe and ornamental stitching, tooling, etc.: traditionally worn by American cowboys
  • culver's root — a tall North American scrophulariaceous plant, Veronicastrum virginicum, having spikes of small white or purple flowers
  • disrepute — bad repute; low regard; disfavor (usually preceded by in or into): Some literary theories have fallen into disrepute.
  • diving suit — any of various waterproof garments for underwater swimming or diving, especially one that is weighted, hermetically sealed, and supplied with air under pressure through a hose attached to a removable helmet.
  • follow suit — a set of clothing, armor, or the like, intended for wear together.
  • give a hoot — not care
  • hessian boot — a knee-high tasseled boot, fashionable in England in the early 19th century.
  • in dispute — doubted, controversial
  • kiwi fruit — A kiwi fruit is a fruit with a brown hairy skin and green flesh.
  • major suit — hearts or spades, especially with reference to their higher point values.
  • minor suit — diamonds or clubs.
  • multiple fruit — a fruit, such as a pineapple, formed from the ovaries of individual flowers in an inflorescence
  • passion fruit — any edible fruit of a passionflower, as the maypop.
  • pressure suit — pressurized suit.
  • riding boot — a knee-high boot of black or brown leather, without fastenings, forming part of a riding habit.
  • sailor suit — naval uniform
  • subacute — somewhat or moderately acute.
  • transverse flute — the normal orchestral flute, as opposed to the recorder (or fipple flute)
  • undilute — to make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by the addition of water or the like.
  • union suit — a close-fitting, knitted undergarment combining shirt and drawers in one piece and often having a drop seat.

Four-or-more syllable rhymes

  • aggregate fruit — (botany) A fruit that develops from the fusion of more than one carpel within a single flower, as for instance, a raspberry.
  • business suit — a formal suit suitable for wearing to work
  • forbidden fruit — the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, tasted by Adam and Eve against God's prohibition. Gen. 2:17; 3:3.
  • pleurisy root — a North American milkweed, Asclepias tuberosa, whose root was used as a remedy for pleurisy.
  • rattlesnake root — any of certain composite plants of the genus Prenanthes, whose roots or tubers have been regarded as a remedy for snake bites, as P. serpentaria or P. alba.
  • wellington boot — a leather boot with the front part of the top extending above the knee.

Four-or-more syllable rhymes

  • accessory fruit — a fruit having enlarged accessory structures in addition to those formed from the ovary, as the strawberry, in which the fleshy tissue is the enlarged receptacle and the true fruits are the small, dry achenes borne on its surface
  • house of ill repute — a house of prostitution; whorehouse; brothel.
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