
ALL meanings of ringing

R r
  • adjective ringing bell, etc: pealing sound 1
  • noun ringing act of ringing bells 1
  • adjective ringing phone: sounding 1
  • noun ringing buzzing in the ears 1
  • noun ringing a ringing sound, as of a bell or bells: the ring of sleigh bells. 1
  • noun ringing a sound or tone likened to the ringing of a bell: Rings of laughter issued from the school. 1
  • noun ringing any loud sound; sound continued, repeated, or reverberated: the ring of iron upon stone. 1
  • noun ringing a set or peal of bells. 1
  • noun ringing a telephone call: Give me a ring tomorrow. 1
  • noun ringing an act or instance of ringing a bell: No one answered my ring. 1
  • noun ringing a characteristic sound, as of a coin. 1
  • noun ringing the aspect or impression presented by a statement, an action, etc., taken as revealing a specified inherent quality: a ring of assurance in her voice; the ring of truth; a false ring. 1
  • verb with object ringing to cause (a bell or device with a bell) to ring; sound by striking: to ring a bell. 1
  • verb with object ringing to produce (sound) by or as if by ringing: The bell rang a low tone. 1
  • verb with object ringing to announce or proclaim, usher in or out, summon, signal, etc., by or as if by the sound of a bell: to ring someone's praises; The bell rang the hour. 1
  • verb with object ringing to test (a coin or other metal object) by the sound it produces when struck against something. 1
  • verb with object ringing Chiefly British. to telephone. 1
  • verb without object ringing to give forth a clear resonant sound, as a bell when struck: The doorbell rang twice. 1
  • verb without object ringing to make a given impression on the mind; appear: words that rang false; a story that rings true. 1
  • verb without object ringing to cause a bell or bells to sound, especially as a summons: Just ring if you need anything. 1
  • verb without object ringing to sound loudly; be loud or resonant; resound (often followed by out): His brave words rang out. 1
  • verb without object ringing to be filled with sound; reecho with sound, as a place. 1
  • verb without object ringing (of the ears) to have the sensation of a continued humming sound. 1
  • verb without object ringing Chiefly British. to telephone. 1
  • idioms ringing ring a bell. bell1 (def 15). 1
  • idioms ringing ring down the curtain, to direct that the curtain of a theater be lowered or closed. to lower or close the curtain in front of a stage. 1
  • idioms ringing ring down the curtain on, to bring to an end: The accident rang down the curtain on his law career. 1
  • idioms ringing ring the / someone's bell. bell1 (def 16). 1
  • idioms ringing ring the changes. change (def 39). 1
  • idioms ringing ring up the curtain, to direct that the curtain of a theater be raised or opened. to raise or open the curtain in front of a stage. 1
  • idioms ringing ring up the curtain on, to begin; inaugurate; initiate: The $100-a-plate dinner rang up the curtain on the hospital's fund-raising drive. 1
  • adjective ringing A ringing sound is loud and can be heard very clearly. 0
  • adjective ringing A ringing statement or declaration is one that is made forcefully and is intended to make a powerful impression. 0
  • noun ringing the act or sound of ringing a bell 0
  • noun ringing a sensation of humming or ringing 0
  • adjective ringing making a sonorous or resonant sound 0
  • adjective ringing sounding loudly and clearly 0
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