
ALL meanings of outs

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  • adverb outs on strike: The miners go out at midnight. 1
  • adverb outs so as to project or extend: to stretch out; stick your tongue out. 1
  • adverb outs in or into activity, existence, or outward manifestation: A rash came out on her arm. 1
  • adverb outs from a specified source or material: made out of scraps. 1
  • adverb outs from a state of composure, satisfaction, or harmony: to be put out over trifles. 1
  • adverb outs in or into a state of confusion, vexation, dispute, variance, or unfriendliness: to fall out about trifles. 1
  • adverb outs so as to deprive or be deprived: to be cheated out of one's money. 1
  • adverb outs so as to use the last part of: to run out of gas. 1
  • adverb outs from a number, stock, or store: to point out the errors. 1
  • adverb outs aloud or loudly: to cry out. 1
  • adverb outs with completeness or effectiveness: to fill out. 1
  • adverb outs thoroughly; completely; entirely: The children tired me out. 1
  • adverb outs so as to obliterate or make undecipherable: to cross out a misspelling; to ink out. 1
  • adjective outs not at one's home or place of employment; absent: I stopped by to visit you last night, but you were out. 1
  • adjective outs not open to consideration; out of the question: I wanted to go by plane, but all the flights are booked, so that's out. 1
  • adjective outs wanting; lacking; without: We had some but now we're out. 1
  • adjective outs removed from or not in effective operation, play, a turn at bat, or the like, as in a game: He's out for the season because of an injury. 1
  • adjective outs no longer having or holding a job, public office, etc.; unemployed; disengaged (usually followed by of): to be out of work. 1
  • adjective outs inoperative; extinguished: The elevator is out. Are the lights out? 1
  • adjective outs finished; ended: before the week is out. 1
  • adjective outs not currently stylish, fashionable, or in vogue: Fitted waistlines are out this season. 1
  • adjective outs unconscious; senseless: Two drinks and he's usually out. 1
  • adjective outs not in power, authority, or the like: a member of the out party. 1
  • adjective outs Baseball. (of a batter) not succeeding in getting on base: He was out at first on an attempted bunt. (of a base runner) not successful in an attempt to advance a base or bases: He was out in attempting to steal second base. 1
  • adjective outs beyond fixed or regular limits; out of bounds: The ball was out. 1
  • adjective outs having a pecuniary loss or expense to an indicated extent: The company will be out millions of dollars if the new factory doesn't open on schedule. 1
  • adjective outs incorrect or inaccurate: His calculations are out. 1
  • adjective outs not in practice; unskillful from lack of practice: Your bow hand is out. 1
  • adjective outs beyond the usual range, size, weight, etc. (often used in combination): an outsize bed. 1
  • adjective outs exposed; made bare, as by holes in one's clothing: out at the knees. 1
  • adjective outs at variance; at odds; unfriendly: They are out with each other. 1
  • adjective outs moving or directed outward; outgoing: the out train. 1
  • adjective outs not available, plentiful, etc.: Mums are out till next fall. 1
  • adjective outs external; exterior; outer. 1
  • adjective outs located at a distance; outlying: We sailed to six of the out islands. 1
  • adjective outs Cricket. not having its innings: the out side. 1
  • adjective outs of or relating to the playing of the first nine holes of an 18-hole golf course (opposed to in): His out score on the second round was 33. 1
  • preposition outs (used to indicate movement or direction from the inside to the outside of something): He looked out the window. She ran out the door. 1
  • preposition outs (used to indicate location): The car is parked out back. 1
  • preposition outs (used to indicate movement away from a central point): Let's drive out the old parkway. 1
  • noun outs a means of escape or excuse, as from a place, punishment, retribution, responsibility, etc.: He always left himself an out. 1
  • noun outs a person who lacks status, power, or authority, especially in relation to a particular group or situation. 1
  • noun outs Usually, outs. persons not in office or political power (distinguished from in). 1
  • noun outs Baseball. a put-out. 1
  • noun outs (in tennis, squash, handball, etc.) a return or service that does not land within the in-bounds limits of a court or section of a court (opposed to in). 1
  • noun outs something that is out, as a projecting corner. 1
  • noun outs Printing. the omission of a word or words. the word or words omitted. 1
  • noun outs Northern British Dialect. an outing. 1
  • verb without object outs to cease to live; undergo the complete and permanent cessation of all vital functions; become dead. 1
  • verb without object outs (of something inanimate) to cease to exist: The laughter died on his lips. 1
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