
ALL meanings of hexameter

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  • noun hexameter a dactylic line of six feet, as in Greek and Latin epic poetry, in which the first four feet are dactyls or spondees, the fifth is ordinarily a dactyl, and the last is a trochee or spondee, with a caesura usually following the long syllable in the third foot. 1
  • noun hexameter any line of verse in six feet, as in English poetry. 1
  • adjective hexameter consisting of six metrical feet. 1
  • noun hexameter poetry: verse line consisting of six metrical feet 1
  • noun hexameter A line of verse consisting of six metrical feet, especially of six dactyls. 1
  • noun hexameter a verse line consisting of six metrical feet 0
  • noun hexameter (in Greek and Latin epic poetry) a verse line of six metrical feet, of which the first four are usually dactyls or spondees, the fifth almost always a dactyl, and the sixth a spondee or trochee 0
  • noun hexameter a line of verse containing six metrical feet or measures; specif., the six-foot dactylic line of classical verse, the first four feet of which may be either dactyls or spondees, the fifth a dactyl, and the sixth a spondee or trochee 0
  • noun hexameter verse consisting of hexameters 0
  • adjective hexameter having six metrical feet or measures 0
  • noun hexameter (Countable Noun) a line in a poem having six metrical feet. 0
  • noun hexameter (Uncountable Noun) a poetic metre in which each line has six feet. 0
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