
ALL meanings of deep

D d
  • adjective deep If something is deep, it extends a long way down from the ground or from the top surface of something. 3
  • adjective deep Deep is also an adverb. 3
  • adjective deep A deep container, such as a cupboard, extends or measures a long distance from front to back. 3
  • adjective deep You use deep to talk or ask about how much something measures from the surface to the bottom, or from front to back. 3
  • adjective deep Deep is also a combining form. 3
  • adverb deep Deep in an area means a long way inside it. 3
  • graded adjective deep In sports such as football and tennis, a deep shot or pass is one that sends the ball a long way towards the end of the pitch or court. 3
  • adverb deep If you say that things or people are two, three, or four deep, you mean that there are two, three, or four rows or layers of them there. 3
  • adjective deep You use deep to emphasize the seriousness, strength, importance, or degree of something. 3
  • adverb deep If you experience or feel something deep inside you or deep down, you feel it very strongly even though you do not necessarily show it. 3
  • adjective deep If you are in a deep sleep, you are sleeping peacefully and it is difficult to wake you. 3
  • adjective deep If you are deep in thought or deep in conversation, you are concentrating very hard on what you are thinking or saying and are not aware of the things that are happening around you. 3
  • adjective deep A deep look seems to see right into your mind. 3
  • adjective deep A deep breath or sigh uses or fills the whole of your lungs. 3
  • adjective deep You use deep to describe colours that are strong and fairly dark. 3
  • adjective deep Deep is also an adjective. 3
  • adjective deep A deep sound is low in pitch. 3
  • adjective deep If you describe someone as deep, you mean that they are quiet and reserved in a way that makes you think that they have good qualities such as intelligence or determination. 3
  • adjective deep If you describe something such as a problem or a piece of writing as deep, you mean that it is important, serious, or complicated. 3
  • adverb deep If you are deep in debt, you have a lot of debts. 3
  • singular noun deep The deep means the sea. 3
  • adjective deep extending or situated relatively far down from a surface 3
  • adjective deep extending or situated relatively far inwards, backwards, or sideways 3
  • adjective deep relatively far from the pitch 3
  • adjective deep of a specified dimension downwards, inwards, or backwards 3
  • adjective deep (in combination) 3
  • adjective deep coming from or penetrating to a great depth 3
  • adjective deep difficult to understand or penetrate; abstruse 3
  • adjective deep learned or intellectually demanding 3
  • adjective deep of great intensity; extreme 3
  • adjective deep absorbed or enveloped (by); engrossed or immersed (in) 3
  • adjective deep very cunning or crafty; devious 3
  • adjective deep mysterious or obscure 3
  • adjective deep (of a colour) having an intense or dark hue 3
  • adjective deep low in pitch or tone 3
  • noun deep any deep place on land or under water, esp below 6000 metres (3000 fathoms) 3
  • noun deep the most profound, intense, or central part 3
  • noun deep a vast extent, as of space or time 3
  • noun deep one of the intervals on a sounding lead, one fathom apart 3
  • adverb deep far on in time; late 3
  • adverb deep profoundly or intensely 3
  • adjective deep extending far downward from the top or top edges, inward from the surface, or backward from the front 3
  • adjective deep extending down, inward, etc. a specified length or distance 3
  • adjective deep located far down or back 3
  • adjective deep coming from or going far down or back 3
  • adjective deep far off in time or space 3
  • adjective deep hard to understand; abstruse 3
  • adjective deep extremely grave or serious 3
  • adjective deep strongly felt 3
  • adjective deep intellectually profound 3
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