
ALL meanings of colors

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  • noun colors the quality of an object or substance with respect to light reflected by the object, usually determined visually by measurement of hue, saturation, and brightness of the reflected light; saturation or chroma; hue. 1
  • noun colors the natural appearance of the skin, especially of the face; complexion: She has a lovely color. 1
  • noun colors a ruddy complexion: The wind and sun had given color to the sailor's face. 1
  • noun colors a blush: His remarks brought the color to her face. 1
  • noun colors vivid or distinctive quality, as of a literary work: Melville's description of a whaling voyage is full of color. 1
  • noun colors details in description, customs, speech, habits, etc., of a place or period: The novel takes place in New Orleans and contains much local color. 1
  • noun colors something that is used for coloring; pigment; paint; tint; dye. 1
  • noun colors background information, as anecdotes about players or competitors or analyses of plays, strategy, or performance, given by a sportscaster to heighten interest in a sportscast. 1
  • noun colors colors. any distinctive color or combination or pattern of colors, especially of a badge, ribbon, uniform, or the like, worn or displayed as a symbol of or to identify allegiance to, membership in, or sponsorship by a school, group, or organization. nature, viewpoint, or attitude; character; personality: His behavior in a crisis revealed his true colors. a flag, ensign, etc., particularly the national flag. U.S. Navy. the ceremony of hoisting the national flag at 8 a.m. and of lowering it at sunset. 1
  • noun colors skin complexion of a particular people or ethnic group, especially when other than white: a person of color; people of color; a man of color; alumni of color; children of color. 1
  • noun colors outward appearance or aspect; guise or show: It was a lie, but it had the color of the truth. 1
  • noun colors a pretext: She did it under the color of doing a good deed. 1
  • noun colors Painting. the general use or effect of the pigments in a picture. 1
  • noun colors Phonetics. timbre. 1
  • noun colors Chiefly Law. an apparent or prima facie right or ground: to hold possession under color of title. 1
  • noun colors Music. tone color. 1
  • noun colors a trace or particle of valuable mineral, especially gold, as shown by washing auriferous gravel. 1
  • noun colors Physics. any of the labels red, green, or blue that designate the three states in which quarks are expected to exist, or any of the corresponding labels for antiquark states. Compare quantum chromodynamics, quark model. 1
  • noun colors Printing. the amount of ink used. 1
  • noun colors Heraldry. a tincture other than a fur or metal, usually including gules, azure, vert, sable, and purpure. 1
  • adjective colors involving, utilizing, yielding, or possessing color: a color TV. 1
  • verb with object colors to give or apply color to; tinge; paint; dye: She colored her hair dark red. 1
  • verb with object colors to cause to appear different from the reality: In order to influence the jury, he colored his account of what had happened. 1
  • verb with object colors to give a special character or distinguishing quality to: His personal feelings color his writing. 1
  • verb without object colors to take on or change color: The ocean colored at dawn. 1
  • verb without object colors to flush; blush: He colored when confronted with the incriminating evidence. 1
  • idioms colors call to the colors, to summon for service in the armed forces: Thousands are being called to the colors. 1
  • idioms colors change color, to blush as from embarrassment. to turn pale, as from fear: When he saw the size of his opponent, he changed color. 1
  • idioms colors with flying colors. flying colors. 1
  • noun colors The property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way the object reflects or emits light. 1
  • noun colors See black.   1
  • noun colors plural of color. 0
  • verb colors third-person singular simple present indicative form of color. 0
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