
ALL meanings of bank

B b
  • noun bank an arrangement of objects in a line or in tiers: a bank of seats; a bank of lights. 1
  • noun bank Music. a row of keys on an organ. 1
  • noun bank a row of elevator cars, as in a hotel or high-rise office building. 1
  • noun bank a bench for rowers in a galley. 1
  • noun bank a row or tier of oars. 1
  • noun bank the group of rowers occupying one bench or rowing one oar. 1
  • noun bank Printing. (formerly) a bench on which sheets are placed as printed. Also called, especially British, random. the sloping work surface at the top of a compositor's workbench. a table or rack on which type material is stored before being made up in forms. 1
  • noun bank Also called deck. Journalism. a part of a headline containing one or more lines of type, especially a part that appears below the main part. 1
  • noun bank Electricity. a number of similar devices connected to act together: a bank of transformers; a bank of resistors. 1
  • verb with object bank to arrange in a bank: to bank the seats; to bank the lights. 1
  • verb without object bank to keep money in or have an account with a bank: Do you bank at the Village Savings Bank? 1
  • verb without object bank to exercise the functions of a bank or banker. 1
  • verb without object bank Games. to hold the bank. 1
  • noun bank The land alongside or sloping down to a river or lake. 1
  • noun bank An institution where one can place and borrow money and take care of financial affairs. 0
  • noun bank A branch office of such an institution. 0
  • noun bank An underwriter or controller of a card game; also banque. 0
  • noun bank A fund from deposits or contributions, to be used in transacting business; a joint stock or capital. 0
  • noun bank (gambling) The sum of money etc. which the dealer or banker has as a fund from which to draw stakes and pay losses. 0
  • noun bank In certain games, such as dominos, a fund of pieces from which the players are allowed to draw. 0
  • noun bank A safe and guaranteed place of storage for and retrieval of important items or goods. 0
  • noun bank A device used to store coins or currency. 0
  • noun bank (hydrology) An edge of river, lake, or other watercourse. 0
  • noun bank (nautical, hydrology) An elevation, or rising ground, under the sea; a shallow area of shifting sand, gravel, mud, and so forth (for example, a sandbank or mudbank). 0
  • noun bank (geography) A slope of earth, sand, etc.; an embankment. 0
  • noun bank (aviation) The incline of an aircraft, especially during a turn. 0
  • noun bank (rail transport) An incline, a hill. 0
  • noun bank A mass noun for a quantity of clouds. 0
  • noun bank (mining) The face of the coal at which miners are working. 0
  • noun bank (mining) A deposit of ore or coal, worked by excavations above water level. 0
  • noun bank (mining) The ground at the top of a shaft. 0
  • noun bank A row or panel of items stored or grouped together. 0
  • noun bank A row of keys on a musical keyboard or the equivalent on a typewriter keyboard. 0
  • noun bank A bench, as for rowers in a galley; also, a tier of oars. 0
  • noun bank A bench or seat for judges in court. 0
  • noun bank The regular term of a court of law, or the full court sitting to hear arguments upon questions of law, as distinguished from a sitting at nisi prius, or a court held for jury trials. See banc. 0
  • noun bank (archaic, printing) A kind of table used by printers. 0
  • noun bank (music) A bench, or row of keys belonging to a keyboard, as in an organ. 0
  • noun bank (Uncountable Noun) slang for money. 0
  • verb bank (Intransitive Verb) To deal with a bank or financial institution. 0
  • verb bank (Transitive Verb) To put into a bank. 0
  • verb bank (Intransitive Verb) (aviation) To roll or incline laterally in order to turn. 0
  • verb bank (Transitive Verb) To cause (an aircraft) to bank. 0
  • verb bank (Transitive Verb) To form into a bank or heap, to bank up. 0
  • verb bank (Transitive Verb) To cover the embers of a fire with ashes in order to retain heat. 0
  • verb bank (Transitive Verb) To raise a mound or dike about; to enclose, defend, or fortify with a bank; to embank. 0
  • verb bank (Transitive Verb) OBS To pass by the banks of. 0
  • verb bank (Transitive Verb) (order and arrangement) To arrange or order in a row. 0
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