
ALL meanings of back

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  • verb transitive back to sign on the back; endorse 3
  • verb transitive back to provide security for (a currency, loan, etc.) 3
  • intransitive verb back to move or go backward 3
  • intransitive verb back to move (into a desired position) through the faulty performance of an opponent 3
  • intransitive verb back to have the back in a certain place or direction 3
  • intransitive verb back to shift counterclockwise (in the Northern Hemisphere) 3
  • noun back a vat or tub used in certain industrial processes 3
  • noun back a large tub, vat, or cistern used by dyers, brewers, distillers, etc., to hold liquids. 1
  • noun back a broad-beamed ferryboat hauled across a body of water by a rope or chain. 1
  • verb with object back to support, as with authority, influence, help, or money (often followed by up): to back a candidate; to back up a theory with facts. 1
  • verb with object back to bet on: to back a horse in the race. 1
  • verb with object back to cause to move backward (often followed by up): to back a car. 1
  • verb with object back to furnish with a back: to back a book. 1
  • verb with object back to lie at the back of; form a back or background for: a beach backed by hills. 1
  • verb with object back to provide with an accompaniment: a singer backed by piano and bass. 1
  • verb with object back to get upon the back of; mount. 1
  • verb with object back to write or print on the back of; endorse; countersign. 1
  • verb with object back Carpentry. to attach strips of wood to the upper edge of (a joist or rafter) to bring it to a desired level. 1
  • verb with object back Nautical. to alter the position of (a sail) so that the wind will strike the forward face. to brace (yards) in backing a sail. to reinforce the hold of (an anchor) by means of a smaller one attached to it and dropped farther away. 1
  • verb without object back to go or move backward (often followed by up). 1
  • verb without object back Nautical. (of wind) to change direction counterclockwise (opposed to veer). 1
  • adjective back situated at or in the rear: at the back door; back fence. 1
  • adjective back far away or removed from the front or main area, position, or rank; remote: back settlements. 1
  • adjective back belonging to the past: back files; back issues. 1
  • adjective back in arrears; overdue: back pay. 1
  • adjective back coming or going back; moving backward: back current. 1
  • adjective back Navigation. reciprocal (def 7). 1
  • adjective back Phonetics. (of a speech sound) produced with the tongue articulating in the back part of the mouth, as in either of the sounds of go. 1
  • idioms back back and forth, from side to side; to and fro; from one to the other: The pendulum of the grandfather clock swung back and forth. 1
  • idioms back back yonder, Chiefly South Midland U.S. formerly; many years ago: Back yonder, when I was a boy, things were different. 1
  • adverb back at, to, or toward the rear; backward: to step back. 1
  • adverb back in or toward the past: to look back on one's youth; They met in Chicago back in 1976. 1
  • adverb back at or toward the original starting point, place, or condition: to go back to the old neighborhood. 1
  • adverb back in direct payment or return: to pay back a loan; to answer back. 1
  • adverb back in a state of restraint or retention: to hold back the tears; to hold back salary. 1
  • adverb back in a reclining position: to lean back; to lie back. 1
  • noun back  Although some object to their use, the phrases in back of and the shorter—and much older—back of with the meaning “behind” are fully established as standard in American English:  The car was parked  (in) back of the house. Both phrases occur in all types of speech and writing. 1
  • noun back Toward the rear; in the opposite direction from the one that one is facing or traveling. 1
  • noun back body: spine 1
  • noun back reverse side 1
  • noun back rear 1
  • adverb back returning 1
  • intransitive verb back move backward 1
  • transitive verb back move in reverse 1
  • adjective back last, final 1
  • adjective back at the rear 1
  • adjective back in arrears 1
  • adjective back going back 1
  • adverb back in return 1
  • noun back reverse side: body part 1
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