
The most popular words starting with "in"

20 June 2022 0

This week we'll take a quick look at the most popular words starting with "in" in the English language.

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While there isn't a singular ‘most popular word’, it's fair to say that ‘in’ is one of the most popular words starting with ‘in’. Since the early 1900s, ‘in’ has been used in the English language to introduce words that are fashionable, topical or simply common terms.

In the early 1900s the word ‘in’ was used to describe a fashionable way of dressing. People who dressed in the ‘in’ style were known as In-Dressing. This is probably why ‘in’ is often used as a synonym for ‘fashionable’. For example, you might hear someone say: “That dress is so in”, to mean that they feel the dress is extremely fashionable.

A few decades later, in the 1950s, ‘in’ became associated with rock ‘n' roll and American culture. The most prominent person to adopt this fashion was the iconic American fashion designer, and cultural icon, Anna Wintour. Since then, ‘in’ has continued to be used to describe fashionable or trendy things. But it has also become a word used to introduce new words and expressions to people.

For instance, ‘in’ is often used to introduce words associated with science and technology. If you've ever seen the movie Hackers, you'll know that the title character, Richard ‘Trombone' Breaker, pronounces ‘in' as "innn" when he's talking about computer technology. Like ‘geek', ‘in' is used to introduce words and phrases associated with technology and computing.

Words derived from ‘in' have also become popular in the English language. Among the most well-known words that start with ‘in' is incredible.

How Are Popularity Trends Calculated?

To figure out the most popular words starting with ‘in’, we first need to determine how we want to measure popularity. There are a number of options, so let's consider them one at a time.

Most people would say that popularity is determined by the number of times a word or phrase is used in social media. But what does “in social media” mean exactly? Does it mean that you have to have a Facebook account to be considered popular? Does it mean that you have to have a Twitter account to be considered popular? How about Instagram? What about Snapchat?

I think we can all agree that these platforms are extremely important for establishing and maintaining social connections. And, to be fair, they can also be a source of information and news. However, if your goal is to find the most popular words starting with ‘in’, we need to consider other options as well.

One option is the Google Search Score, which is determined by the number of times a word or phrase is searched for on Google. This metric considers both the number of times a word or phrase is searched for, and the number of websites that contain the word or phrase. So, if you've ever typed ‘TikTok' into the Google Search bar, you'll know that this is a popular social media platform. It's one of the most searched-for terms on Google, with over 500 million monthly active users. This makes it just about the most popular social media platform in the world.

Another option is the Amazon Product Review score, which is calculated based on the number of product reviews that mention a word or phrase. This metric considers both the number of reviews that mention a word or phrase, as well as the overall rating of those reviews. Think of all the times you've heard a friend say: “I liked this product, but a lot of people didn't like it,” or “I didn't like that product because a lot of people didn't like it.” This type of feedback could be considered when calculating a Product Review score.

The Top 10 Words Starting With “In”

With all of our options for measuring popularity in mind, let's take a look at the top 10 words starting with ‘in’ that are searched for on Google today.

As you can see above, ‘in’ shows up as the #1 most popular word starting with ‘in’, followed by ‘innn’, ‘inns’, and ‘inf'. It seems as though people are looking for ways to say that a word or phrase was trendy or fashionable at some point in the past.

It's interesting to see how many of these words and expressions are associated with technology and computing. Does this mean that people are becoming more technologically aware and sophisticated? Or is it just because these are all relatively new words and thus don't have as many Google searches compared to others? We can't really be sure, but it's an interesting trend to observe.

Some Additional Notes

While we're on the subject of Google, let's take a quick look at the most popular words starting with ‘in’, as shown on the Google Search bar.

As you can see above, ‘in’ shows up as the #1 most popular word on the Google Search bar, followed by ‘android’, ‘amazon’, ‘chrome’, ‘ipad’, ‘iphone’, ‘mac’, ‘nike’, ‘robotics’, ‘slide’, and ‘windows’. This makes sense, considering that users search for the #1 most popular words to find the websites that contain those words. So if you've ever wanted to know what the most popular words are, you could easily find out by typing those words into the Google Search bar.

Also, just for fun, let's take a quick look at the most popular words starting with ‘in’ in the 20th century.

This was largely due to World War I, which began in 1914 and continued until 1918. From 1914 until 1920 the majority of words starting with ‘in’ were associated with World War I. You can see some of these words above, such as ‘incredible’, ‘innn’, ‘bomb’, ‘lieutenant’, and ‘rearm’. But you'll also see many words and expressions that were used before the war and retained their popularity afterwards. For example, ‘curious’ and ‘stupefying’ were both extremely popular words in the early 20th century.

Which Word Do You Like To Use First?

Now that you know the most popular words starting with ‘in’, you may wonder which one you should use first when speaking or writing. After all, they are all quite trendy and fashionable. You might be inclined to say something like: “I'm interested in technology, so I'll say ‘innn'” or “I'm more of a fan of music, so I'll say ‘incredible'”. But what if you are interested in both technology and music, or fashion and computing?

In my experience, people often find themselves in the situation of wanting to use the trendy words first simply because they are the most popular. But this can be a bad habit, because it's probably not the case that each word starting with ‘in’ will have the same level of popularity. This could lead you to say or write something inappropriate, because you're not speaking or writing to someone of the same background as yourself. So let's consider each word starting with ‘in’ separately.

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