
All scatter antonyms

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verb scatter

  • convene β€” If someone convenes a meeting or conference, they arrange for it to take place. You can also say that people convene or that a meeting convenes.
  • converge β€” If people or vehicles converge on a place, they move towards it from different directions.
  • convoke β€” to call (a meeting, assembly, etc) together; summon
  • copped β€” to catch; nab.
  • copping β€” the winding of yarn into a cap from a cone, bobbin, etc.
  • copyright β€” If someone has copyright on a piece of writing or music, it is illegal to reproduce or perform it without their permission.
  • corked β€” (of a wine) tainted through having a cork containing excess tannin
  • corking β€” excellent
  • corner the market β€” dominate trade
  • crowd β€” A crowd is a large group of people who have gathered together, for example to watch or listen to something interesting, or to protest about something.
  • cull β€” If items or ideas are culled from a particular source or number of sources, they are taken and gathered together.
  • cumulate β€” to accumulate
  • curl up β€” to adopt a reclining position with the legs close to the body and the back rounded
  • cut corners β€” to do something in the easiest and shortest way, esp at the expense of high standards
  • dancing β€” When people dance for enjoyment or to entertain others, you can refer to this activity as dancing.
  • dash off β€” If you dash off to a place, you go there very quickly.
  • deal in β€” to occupy oneself or itself (usually followed by with or in): Botany deals with the study of plants. He deals in generalities.
  • deduce β€” If you deduce something or deduce that something is true, you reach that conclusion because of other things that you know to be true.
  • deposit β€” A deposit is a sum of money which is part of the full price of something, and which you pay when you agree to buy it.
  • dig up β€” to break up, turn over, or remove earth, sand, etc., as with a shovel, spade, bulldozer, or claw; make an excavation.
  • dispose β€” to give a tendency or inclination to; incline: His temperament disposed him to argue readily with people.
  • docketing β€” Also called trial docket. a list of cases in court for trial, or the names of the parties who have cases pending.
  • dooming β€” fate or destiny, especially adverse fate; unavoidable ill fortune: In exile and poverty, he met his doom.
  • draw in β€” to cause to move in a particular direction by or as if by a pulling force; pull; drag (often followed by along, away, in, out, or off).
  • draw β€” to cause to move in a particular direction by or as if by a pulling force; pull; drag (often followed by along, away, in, out, or off).
  • drift β€” a driving movement or force; impulse; impetus; pressure.
  • ease up β€” freedom from labor, pain, or physical annoyance; tranquil rest; comfort: to enjoy one's ease.
  • edit β€” to supervise or direct the preparation of (a newspaper, magazine, book, etc.); serve as editor of; direct the editorial policies of.
  • fetch up β€” to go and bring back; return with; get: to go up a hill to fetch a pail of water.
  • figure out β€” a numerical symbol, especially an Arabic numeral.
  • fill up β€” a full supply; enough to satisfy want or desire: to eat one's fill.
  • fine tune β€” to tune (a radio or television receiver) to produce the optimum reception for the desired station or channel by adjusting a control knob or bar.
  • fine-comb β€” to use a fine-tooth comb on.
  • fit out β€” adapted or suited; appropriate: This water isn't fit for drinking. A long-necked giraffe is fit for browsing treetops.
  • flock β€” a lock or tuft of wool, hair, cotton, etc.
  • focalize β€” Focus (something), in particular.
  • focus β€” a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity: The need to prevent a nuclear war became the focus of all diplomatic efforts.
  • foregather β€” forgather.
  • forerun β€” to run in front of; come before; precede.
  • forgather β€” to gather together; convene; assemble.
  • form β€” external appearance of a clearly defined area, as distinguished from color or material; configuration: a triangular form.
  • fringing β€” a decorative border of thread, cord, or the like, usually hanging loosely from a raveled edge or separate strip.
  • furrowed β€” a narrow groove made in the ground, especially by a plow.
  • gang up β€” an act of ganging up or uniting in opposition to someone or something.
  • garner β€” to gather or deposit in or as if in a granary or other storage place.
  • gather β€” to bring together into one group, collection, or place: to gather firewood; to gather the troops.
  • get better β€” recover
  • get going β€” an offspring or the total of the offspring, especially of a male animal: the get of a stallion.
  • get hold of β€” to have or keep in the hand; keep fast; grasp: She held the purse in her right hand. He held the child's hand in his.
  • get it together β€” to achieve one's full potential, either generally as a person or in a particular field of activity
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