
All easy antonyms

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adjective easy

  • tense β€” in a state of mental or nervous strain; high-strung; taut: a tense person.

adj easy

  • complicated β€” If you say that something is complicated, you mean it has so many parts or aspects that it is difficult to understand or deal with.
  • unclear β€” free from darkness, obscurity, or cloudiness; light: a clear day.
  • unintelligible β€” not intelligible; not capable of being understood.
  • ambiguous β€” If you describe something as ambiguous, you mean that it is unclear or confusing because it can be understood in more than one way.
  • vague β€” not clearly or explicitly stated or expressed: vague promises.
  • arduous β€” Something that is arduous is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of effort.
  • demanding β€” A demanding job or task requires a lot of your time, energy, or attention.
  • intricate β€” having many interrelated parts or facets; entangled or involved: an intricate maze.
  • uneasy β€” not easy in body or mind; uncomfortable; restless; disturbed; perturbed.
  • trying β€” extremely annoying, difficult, or the like; straining one's patience and goodwill to the limit: a trying day; a trying experience.
  • intolerant β€” not tolerating or respecting beliefs, opinions, usages, manners, etc., different from one's own, as in political or religious matters; bigoted.
  • difficult β€” not easily or readily done; requiring much labor, skill, or planning to be performed successfully; hard: a difficult job.
  • hard β€” not soft; solid and firm to the touch; unyielding to pressure and impenetrable or almost impenetrable.
  • obscure β€” (of meaning) not clear or plain; ambiguous, vague, or uncertain: an obscure sentence in the contract.
  • complex β€” Something that is complex has many different parts, and is therefore often difficult to understand.
  • involved β€” very intricate or complex: an involved reply.
  • laborious β€” requiring much work, exertion, or perseverance: a laborious undertaking.
  • oppressive β€” burdensome, unjustly harsh, or tyrannical: an oppressive king; oppressive laws.
  • relaxed β€” being free of or relieved from tension or anxiety: in a relaxed mood.
  • impossible β€” not possible; unable to be, exist, happen, etc.
  • strict β€” characterized by or acting in close conformity to requirements or principles: a strict observance of rituals.
  • nonpermissive β€” habitually or characteristically accepting or tolerant of something, as social behavior or linguistic usage, that others might disapprove or forbid.
  • unhappy β€” sad; miserable; wretched: Why is she so unhappy?
  • leisurely β€” acting, proceeding, or done without haste; unhurried; deliberate: a leisurely conversation.
  • intelligent β€” having good understanding or a high mental capacity; quick to comprehend, as persons or animals: an intelligent student.
  • clamorous β€” If you describe people or their voices as clamorous, you mean they are talking loudly or shouting.
  • noisy β€” abounding in or full of noise: a noisy assembly hall.
  • unfriendly β€” not amicable; not friendly or kindly in disposition; unsympathetic; aloof: an unfriendly coldness of manner.
  • smart β€” having or showing quick intelligence or ready mental capability: a smart student.
  • rough β€” having a coarse or uneven surface, as from projections, irregularities, or breaks; not smooth: rough, red hands; a rough road.
  • loud β€” (of sound) strongly audible; having exceptional volume or intensity: loud talking; loud thunder; loud whispers.
  • rigid β€” stiff or unyielding; not pliant or flexible; hard: a rigid strip of metal.
  • unyielding β€” unable to bend or be penetrated under pressure; hard: trees so unyielding that they broke in the harsh north winds.
  • stern β€” rear of boat
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