
Words starting with voltaicele

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • voltaic — Electricity. noting or pertaining to electricity or electric currents, especially when produced by chemical action, as in a cell; galvanic.
  • voltaic battery — battery (def 1a).
  • voltaic cell — cell1 (def 7a).
  • voltaic couple — a pair of substances, as two different metals, that when placed in a proper solution produces an electromotive force by chemical action.
  • voltaic electricity — electric current; moving electric charges.
  • voltaic pile — an early battery cell, consisting of several metal disks, each made of one of two dissimilar metals, arranged in an alternating series, and separated by pads moistened with an electrolyte.
  • voltaire — (François Marie Arouet) 1694–1778, French philosopher, historian, satirist, dramatist, and essayist.
  • voltairian — (François Marie Arouet) 1694–1778, French philosopher, historian, satirist, dramatist, and essayist.
  • voltaism — the branch of electrical science that deals with the production of electricity or electric currents by chemical action.