
13-letter words containing y, o, u, c

  • cycle drought — A scarcity of cycles. It may be due to a cycle crunch, but it could also occur because part of the computer is temporarily not working, leaving fewer cycles to go around. "The high moby is down, so we're running with only half the usual amount of memory. There will be a cycle drought until it's fixed."
  • cyclospermous — having the embryo curled around the central albumen
  • cylindraceous — having a form similar to a cylinder
  • dairy produce — food derived from or containing milk and its derivatives
  • deuteromycete — any fungus of the class Fungi Imperfecti.
  • dichlamydeous — (of a flower) having a corolla and calyx
  • dichotomously — divided or dividing into two parts.
  • discomycetous — of or relating to the subclass of fungus Discomycetes
  • discontiguity — the quality of being discontiguous
  • discontinuity — lack of continuity; irregularity: The plot of the book was marred by discontinuity.
  • documentarily — Also, documental [dok-yuh-men-tl] /ˌdɒk yəˈmɛn tl/ (Show IPA). pertaining to, consisting of, or derived from documents: a documentary history of France.
  • dog's mercury — a hairy somewhat poisonous euphorbiaceous perennial, Mercurialis perennis, having broad lanceolate toothed leaves and small greenish male and female flowers, the males borne in catkins. It often carpets shady woodlands
  • donor country — a country which provides aid to a developing country
  • doomsday cult — A doomsday cult is a religious cult whose members believe that the world is about to end.
  • dual monarchy — the kingdom of Austria-Hungary 1867–1918.
  • duplicitously — In a duplicitous, two-faced manner.
  • dysfunctional — not performing normally, as an organ or structure of the body; malfunctioning.
  • educationally — pertaining to education.
  • efficaciously — capable of having the desired result or effect; effective as a means, measure, remedy, etc.: The medicine is efficacious in stopping a cough.
  • encouragingly — In an encouraging manner.
  • equinoctially — In an equinoctial manner; relative to the equinox.
  • estrous cycle — the regular female reproductive cycle of most placental mammals that is under hormonal control and includes a period of heat, followed by ovulation and complex changes of the uterine lining
  • eudicotyledon — any plant belonging to one of the two major groups of flowering plants, comprising over 60 per cent of all plants, normally having net-veined leaves and two cotyledons in the seed
  • eugeosyncline — a geosyncline characterized by lithology typical of deep ocean environments
  • executive toy — a novelty item, such as a Newton's cradle, on the desk of a corporate executive
  • faculty board — the governing body of a faculty
  • fluorescently — In a fluorescent manner; using fluorescence.
  • flying column — (formerly) a force of troops equipped and organized to move swiftly and independently of a principal unit to which it is attached.
  • food security — an economic and social condition of ready access by all members of a household to nutritionally adequate and safe food: a household with high food security.
  • formulaically — made according to a formula; composed of formulas: a formulaic plot.
  • fort mcmurray — a town in NE Alberta, in W Canada, on the Athabasca River.
  • functionality — of or relating to a function or functions: functional difficulties in the administration.
  • gesticulatory — Making a lot of gesticulations.
  • god's country — an area or region supposed to be favored by God, especially a naturally beautiful rural area.
  • ground cherry — Also called husk tomato. any of several plants belonging to the genus Physalis, of the nightshade family, the several species bearing an edible berry enclosed in an enlarged calyx.
  • gynodioecious — having female flowers on one plant and hermaphrodite flowers on another plant of the same species.
  • gyrofrequency — the frequency of rotation of an electron or other charged particle in a magnetic field, directly proportional to the charge of the particle and to the field strength and inversely proportional to the mass of the particle.
  • hallucinatory — pertaining to or characterized by hallucination: hallucinatory visions.
  • heterocystous — containing or relating to heterocysts
  • hexadactylous — hexadactylic
  • horned scully — a tapered block of concrete with projecting steel rails, placed under water to tear holes in the bottoms of boats.
  • human ecology — ecology (def 4).
  • hydrocephalus — an accumulation of serous fluid within the cranium, especially in infancy, due to obstruction of the movement of cerebrospinal fluid, often causing great enlargement of the head; water on the brain.
  • hydrofracture — (geology) Rock fracture caused by the pressure of freezing water.
  • hydrosulfuric — (chemistry) Derived from hydrogen sulfide considered as hydrosulfuric acid.
  • hydrotelluric — (chemistry) Formed by hydrogen and tellurium.
  • hypercautious — Especially or unreasonably cautious.
  • hyperfunction — abnormally increased function, especially of glands or other organs.
  • hyperproducer — an increased or rapid producer
  • hypochondrium — either of two regions of the abdomen, situated on each side of the epigastrium and above the lumbar regions.
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