
17-letter words containing x, e, r

  • sexual preference — Someone's sexual preference is the same as their sexual orientation.
  • six-speed gearbox — a gearbox containing a system of six gears
  • sixty-fourth note — a note having one sixty-fourth of the time value of a whole note; hemidemisemiquaver.
  • sixty-fourth rest — a rest equal in time value to a sixty-fourth note.
  • sparc xterminal 1 — (computer)   Sun's lowest cost networked Unix desktop, it is board-upgradeable to a SPARC 4. It comes with a choice of frame buffers: 8-bit colour, Turbo GX, or Turbo GX plus. This product was expected to replace the SPARCclassic X. UK availability was planned for March 1995.
  • stress relaxation — Stress relaxation is a gradual reduction in stress with time at constant strain.
  • tax-bracket creep — bracket creep.
  • texas instruments — (company)   (TI) A US electronics company. A TI engineer, Jack Kilby invented the integrated circuit in 1958. Three TI employees left the company in 1982 to start Compaq. The COOL and OATH C++ class libraries were developed at TI, as were PDL2 and the ASC computer, PC-Scheme and Texas Instruments Pascal.
  • textual criticism — lower criticism.
  • therapeutic index — the ratio between the dosage of a drug that causes a lethal effect and the dosage that causes a therapeutic effect.
  • thermal expansion — expansion caused by heat
  • to a large extent — greatly
  • to go to extremes — to overdo things; act excessively
  • tungsten trioxide — a heavy, canary-yellow, water-insoluble powder, WO 3 , used in the manufacture of tungstates.
  • unix brain damage — Something that has to be done to break a network program (typically a mailer) on a non-Unix system so that it will interoperate with Unix systems. The hack may qualify as "Unix brain damage" if the program conforms to published standards and the Unix program in question does not. Unix brain damage happens because it is much easier for other (minority) systems to change their ways to match non-conforming behaviour than it is to change all the hundreds of thousands of Unix systems out there. An example of Unix brain damage is a kluge in a mail server to recognise bare line feed (the Unix newline) as an equivalent form to the Internet standard newline, which is a carriage return followed by a line feed. Such things can make even a hardened jock weep.
  • urban exploration — a recreational activity in which people explore derelict urban structures such as abandoned sewers or underground railways or attempt to access areas which are closed to the public such as the roofs of skyscrapers
  • vacuum extraction — applying suction to a baby's head during birth to help it emerge
  • warm-up exercises — preparatory exercises done to warm up the muscles
  • writ of execution — a writ ordering that a judgment be enforced
  • x-ray examination — an examination of part of the body, using an X-ray machine
  • xerox corporation — (company)   A US company, founded in 1906, specialising in document related technology and services including photocopiers, printers and office software. Xerox's acquisition of Affiliated Computer Services added business process and document management to their product range. In 2013 they have 140,000 employees. Their research centre, XEROX PARC, prototyped several revolutionary advances in computing, which the company failed to exploit, including the WIMP desktop metaphor and XEROX Network Services.
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