
19-letter words containing u, n, s, e, l, c

  • molecular astronomy — the branch of astronomy dealing with the study of molecules in space.
  • natural catastrophe — A natural catastrophe is an unexpected event, caused by nature, such as an earthquake or flood, in which there is a lot of suffering, damage, or death.
  • neufchâtel (cheese) — a soft white cheese prepared from whole milk or skim milk and eaten fresh or cured
  • newcastle upon tyne1st Duke of, Pelham-Holles, Thomas.
  • nicolaus copernicus — Nicolaus [nik-uh-ley-uh s] /ˌnɪk əˈleɪ əs/ (Show IPA), (Mikolaj Kopernik) 1473–1543, Polish astronomer who promulgated the now accepted theory that the earth and the other planets move around the sun (the Copernican System)
  • nuclear disarmament — the gradual reduction and eventual elimination of all nuclear weapons in the world
  • obsolescence clause — a clause in an insurance policy that takes account of the obsolescence of the item insured in order to lower the amount to be paid out in the event of a claim
  • oceanus procellarum — (Ocean of Storms) the largest dark plain on the face of the moon, in the second and third quadrants: about 2 million square miles (5.2 million sq. km).
  • ole custom controls — (programming)   (OCX) An Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) custom control allowing infinite extension of the Microsoft Access control set. OCX is similar in purpose to VBX used in Visual Basic. Available OCX's include "Scroll Bar Control", "Calendar Control", and "Data Outline Control".
  • open source license — (legal)   Any document that attempts to specify open source usage and distribution of software. These licenses are usually drafted by experts and are likely to be more legally sound than one a programmer could write. However, loopholes do exist. Here is a non-exhaustive list of open source licenses: 1. Public Domain - No license. 2. BSD License - An early open source license 3. General Public License (GPL) - The copyleft license of the Free Software Foundation. Used for GNU software and much of Linux. 4. Artistic License Less restrictive than the GPL, permitted by Perl in addition to the GPL. 5. Mozilla Public Licenses. (MPL, MozPL) and Netscape Public License (NPL).
  • pastoral counseling — the use of psychotherapeutic techniques by trained members of the clergy to assist parishioners who seek help for personal or emotional problems.
  • percussion drilling — Percussion drilling is a drilling method which involves lifting and dropping heavy tools to break rock, and uses steel casing tubes to stop the borehole from collapsing.
  • persecution complex — an acute irrational fear that other people are plotting one's downfall and that they are responsible for one's failures
  • phacoemulsification — the removal of a cataract by first liquefying the affected lens with ultrasonic vibrations and then extracting it by suction.
  • phakoemulsification — the removal of a cataract by first liquefying the affected lens with ultrasonic vibrations and then extracting it by suction.
  • physical sequential — (file format)   (PS, QSAM, Queued Sequential Access Method) The simplest data set on an IBM mainframe. Sequential files can only be read or written from the beginning: they do not support random access.
  • population genetics — the branch of genetics concerned with the hereditary makeup of populations.
  • priority scheduling — (operating system)   Processes scheduling in which the scheduler selects tasks to run based on their priority as opposed to, say, a simple round-robin. Priorities may be static or dynamic. Static priorities are assigned at the time of creation, while dynamic priorities are based on the processes' behaviour while in the system. For example, the scheduler may favour I/O-intensive tasks so that expensive requests can be issued as early as possible. A danger of priority scheduling is starvation, in which processes with lower priorities are not given the opportunity to run. In order to avoid starvation, in preemptive scheduling, the priority of a process is gradually reduced while it is running. Eventually, the priority of the running process will no longer be the highest, and the next process will start running. This method is called aging.
  • pseudo-intellectual — a person exhibiting intellectual pretensions that have no basis in sound scholarship.
  • public-interest law — a branch of law that often utilizes class-action suits to protect the interest of a large group or of the public at large, as in matters relating to racial discrimination, air pollution, etc.
  • pull one's socks up — to make a determined effort, esp in order to regain control of a situation
  • quantum electronics — the application of quantum mechanics and quantum optics to the study and design of electronic devices
  • rap on the knuckles — a mild reprimand or light sentence
  • regular icosahedron — an icosahedron in which each of the faces is an equilateral triangle
  • relational calculus — (database)   An operational methodolgy, founded on predicate calculus, dealing with descripitive expressions that are equivalent to the operations of relational algebra. Codd's reduction algorithm can convert from relational calculus to relational algebra. Two forms of the relational calculus exist: the tuple calculus and the domain calculus.
  • religious education — religion as school subject
  • rhetorical question — a question asked solely to produce an effect or to make an assertion and not to elicit a reply, as “What is so rare as a day in June?”.
  • ruffini's corpuscle — an end organ of certain sensory neurons that branches out parallel to the skin and responds to steady pressure.
  • samuel de champlain — Samuel de [sam-yoo-uh l duh;; French sa-my-el duh] /ˈsæm yu əl də;; French sa müˈɛl də/ (Show IPA), 1567–1635, French explorer in the Americas: founder of Quebec; first colonial governor 1633–35.
  • san juan de la cruzSan Juan de la [sahn hwahn de lah] /sɑn ʰwɑn dɛ lɑ/ (Show IPA), John of the Cross, Saint.
  • scale down (or up) — to reduce (or increase), often according to a fixed ratio or proportion
  • screen actors guild — a labor union for motion-picture performers, founded in 1933. Abbreviation: SAG.
  • secondary qualities — one of the qualities attributed by the mind to an object perceived, such as color, temperature, or taste.
  • self-congratulating — the expression or feeling of uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's own accomplishment, good fortune, etc.; complacency.
  • self-congratulation — the expression or feeling of uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's own accomplishment, good fortune, etc.; complacency.
  • self-congratulatory — the expression or feeling of uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's own accomplishment, good fortune, etc.; complacency.
  • self-reconstruction — an act of reconstructing.
  • semibituminous coal — a coal intermediate between bituminous and anthracite coal in hardness, yielding the maximum heat of any ordinary steam coal.
  • semiconductor laser — a laser in which a semiconductor is the light-emitting source, used in many medical procedures.
  • senatorial courtesy — the practice in the U.S. Senate of confirming only those presidential appointees approved by both senators from the state of the appointee, or by the senior senator of the president's party.
  • sentential calculus — the branch of symbolic logic dealing with the logical relationships between statements insofar as they can be analyzed into conjunctions, disjunctions, and negations of more elementary statements.
  • sentential function — an expression that contains one or more variables and becomes meaningful when suitable constant terms are substituted for them.
  • sequential scanning — a system of scanning a television picture along the lines in numerical sequence
  • sexual inter-course — genital contact, especially the insertion of the penis into the vagina followed by orgasm; coitus; copulation.
  • sexual reproduction — reproduction involving the union of gametes.
  • sissinghurst castle — a restored Elizabethan mansion near Cranbrook in Kent: noted for the gardens laid out in the 1930s by Victoria Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson
  • slate-colored junco — the eastern subspecies of the dark-eyed junco, Junco hyemalis, having grayer plumage than the several western subspecies.
  • slugging percentage — a number expressing a player's average effectiveness in making extra-base hits, calculated by dividing the total number of bases (from all singles, doubles, triples, and home runs) by the number of official at bats
  • slum clearance area — an area that has been designated for, or been subject to, the rehousing of its inhabitants and subsequent demolition and rebuilding
  • southern crab apple — a tree, Malus angustifolia, of the eastern U.S., having oblong leaves, fragrant, pink or rose-colored flowers, and small, round, yellow-green fruit.
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