
11-letter words containing u, e, y

  • undoubtedly — not called in question; accepted as beyond doubt; undisputed.
  • undyingness — the quality of being undying
  • unencrypted — not enciphered or encoded; not encrypted: Unencrypted data sent over the Internet can be intercepted by hackers.
  • unendurably — in an unendurable manner
  • unenjoyable — giving or capable of giving joy or pleasure: a very enjoyable film.
  • unethically — lacking moral principles; unwilling to adhere to proper rules of conduct.
  • unfearfully — in an unfearful manner
  • unfeignedly — in a genuine manner
  • ungenteelly — in an ungenteel manner
  • ungentility — the quality of being ungenteel
  • unhackneyed — fresh or recent
  • unhealthily — not in a state of good or normal health; in an unsound, weak, or morbid condition.
  • unheedfully — in an unheedful manner
  • unheedingly — in an unheeding manner
  • unhelpfully — in a manner that does not help
  • unhopefully — in an unhopeful manner
  • unhurriedly — not hurried; leisurely; deliberate: an unhurried day; an unhurried decision.
  • unimpededly — in an unimpeded manner
  • uniserially — in a uniserial manner
  • universally — in a universal manner; in every instance or place; without exception.
  • unleisurely — not unhurried or relaxed
  • unlimitedly — not limited; unrestricted; unconfined: unlimited trade.
  • unmemorably — in a way that is not memorable
  • unmercenary — not influenced by greed or a desire for money or gain
  • unmeritedly — in a way that is not merited or deserved
  • unnecessary — not necessary or essential; needless; unessential.
  • unneedfully — unnecessarily
  • unnervingly — in a manner that makes one feel worried or uncomfortable
  • unpathwayed — unpathed, pathless
  • unperfectly — imperfectly
  • unpurposely — intentionally; deliberately: He tripped me purposely.
  • unrestingly — in an unresting manner
  • unseaworthy — constructed, outfitted, manned, and in all respects fitted for a voyage at sea.
  • unselfishly — not selfish; disinterested; generous; altruistic.
  • unsettledly — in an unsettled manner
  • unsoldierly — not befitting a soldier
  • unspeakably — not speakable; that may not be spoken.
  • unsyllabled — not involving syllables; not formed into syllables; not expressed or articulated in syllabled speech
  • untaintedly — in an untainted manner; without taint or stain
  • untimeously — untimely
  • untunefully — tunelessly; not tunefully or melodiously
  • unutterably — not communicable by utterance; unspeakable; beyond expression: unutterable joy.
  • unweariably — in an unweariable manner
  • unweetingly — in an ignorant manner
  • up-helly-aa — a midwinter festival held in January in Shetland; originally a fire festival, but now a celebration of Shetland's Norse heritage, involving the ceremonial burning of a newly built Viking ship
  • upper darby — a town in SE Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia.
  • upper egyptArab Republic of. a republic in NE Africa. 386,198 sq. mi. (1,000,252 sq. km). Capital: Cairo. Formerly (1958–71) United Arab Republic.
  • urban decay — the decay and deterioration of an urban area due to neglect or age
  • urethrotomy — an operation to cut a stricture of the urethra.
  • use-by date — day by which sth must be used or consumed
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