
15-letter words containing t, y, n, e

  • hypoventilation — Breathing at an abnormally slow rate, resulting in an increased amount of carbon dioxide in the blood.
  • identical rhyme — rhyme created by the repetition of a word.
  • identifiability — to recognize or establish as being a particular person or thing; verify the identity of: to identify handwriting; to identify the bearer of a check.
  • identity crisis — a period or episode of psychological distress, often occurring in adolescence but sometimes in adulthood, when a person seeks a clearer sense of self and an acceptable role in society.
  • identity hyphen — a hyphen separating different racial, national, or religious elements in a compound name describing a person of mixed heritage, as in Australian-Muslim
  • identity matrix — a matrix that has 1 in each position on the main diagonal and 0 in all other positions.
  • identity papers — law: legal documents
  • identity parade — law: police lineup
  • identity theory — a form of materialism which holds mental states to be identical with certain states of the brain and so to have no separate existence, but regards this identity as contingent so that mentalistic and physicalistic language are not held to be synonymous
  • ignition system — the system in an internal-combustion engine that produces the spark to ignite the mixture of fuel and air: includes the battery, ignition coil, distributor, spark plugs, and associated switches and wiring.
  • immensurability — The quality of being immensurable.
  • immunochemistry — the study of the chemistry of immunologic substances and reactions.
  • impenetrability — the state or quality of being impenetrable.
  • imponderability — The state or characteristic of being imponderable.
  • in its entirety — completely, wholly
  • in line of duty — in the performance of authorized or prescribed military duty
  • in the majority — the largest group
  • in the old days — a long time ago
  • in the same way — similarly
  • in/into ecstasy — If you are in ecstasy about something, you are very excited about it. If you go into ecstasies, you become very excited.
  • inaccessibility — not accessible; unapproachable.
  • inappropriately — not appropriate; not proper or suitable: an inappropriate dress for the occasion.
  • inauthentically — not authentic: inauthentic Indian jewelry mass-produced in a factory.
  • inconsiderately — In an inconsiderate manner.
  • indefeasibility — The state or quality of being indefeasible, of being incapable of being defeated.
  • indefectibility — The quality of being indefectible.
  • indefensibility — The quality or state of not being defensible.
  • indemnity cover — cover providing insurance against damage or loss
  • indeterminately — not determinate; not precisely fixed in extent; indefinite; uncertain.
  • indigestibility — The state of being indigestible.
  • indiscretionary — lack of discretion; imprudence.
  • indistinctively — without distinctive characteristics.
  • ineffaceability — Quality of being ineffaceable.
  • ineradicability — the quality of being ineradicable
  • inertial system — a frame of reference in which a body remains at rest or moves with constant linear velocity unless acted upon by forces: any frame of reference that moves with constant velocity relative to an inertial system is itself an inertial system.
  • inexplicability — not explicable; incapable of being accounted for or explained.
  • inextricability — The condition of being inextricable.
  • infinitesimally — indefinitely or exceedingly small; minute: infinitesimal vessels in the circulatory system.
  • innate immunity — natural bodily resistance to disease
  • instantaneously — occurring, done, or completed in an instant: an instantaneous response.
  • instrumentality — the quality or state of being instrumental.
  • insubordinately — In an insubordinate manner.
  • insurrectionary — of, relating to, or of the nature of insurrection.
  • intellectuality — the quality or state of being intellectual.
  • intelligent key — (database)   A relational database key which depends wholly on one or more other columns in the same table. An intelligent key might be identified for implementation convenience, where there is no good candidate key. For example, if the three-letter initials of a group of people are known to be unique but only their full names are recorded, a three letter acronym for their names (e.g. John Doe Smith -> JDS) would be an intelligent key. Intelligent keys are a Bad Thing because it is hard to guarantee uniqueness, and if the value on which an intelligent key depends changes then the key must either stay the same, creating an inconsistency within the containing table, or change, requiring changes to all other tables in which it appears as a foreign key. The correct solution is to use a surrogate key.
  • intelligibility — the quality or condition of being intelligible; capability of being understood.
  • interchangeably — (of two things) capable of being put or used in the place of each other: interchangeable symbols.
  • intercolonially — in an intercolonial manner
  • interculturally — pertaining to or taking place between two or more cultures: intercultural exchanges in music and art.
  • interdependency — the quality or condition of being interdependent, or mutually reliant on each other: Globalization of economies leads to an ever-increasing interdependence of countries.
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