
11-letter words containing t, y, g, o

  • octagonally — In an octagonal manner.
  • odonatology — the study of insects, such as dragonflies, that belong to the zoological group Odonata
  • olfactology — the medical science which studies the sense of smell
  • oligotrophy — the state of being oligotrophic, or deficient in nutrients but high in oxygen.
  • onomatology — onomastics.
  • opthamology — Misspelling of ophthalmology.
  • or anything — You can add or anything to the end of a clause or sentence in order to refer vaguely to other things that are or may be similar to what has just been mentioned.
  • oregon city — a town in NW Oregon, on the Willamette River.
  • originality — the quality or state of being original.
  • ornithology — the branch of zoology that deals with birds.
  • orthography — the art of writing words with the proper letters, according to accepted usage; correct spelling.
  • osteography — The scientific description of bones; osteology.
  • ostreophagy — the consumption of oysters
  • oxygen debt — the body's oxygen deficiency resulting from strenuous physical activity.
  • oxygen tent — a small tentlike canopy placed over a sick person for delivering and maintaining a flow of oxygen at critical periods.
  • oxygenation — to treat, combine, or enrich with oxygen: to oxygenate the blood.
  • pantheology — a branch of theology embracing all gods and all religions
  • pathography — a biography that focuses on the negative elements of its subject.
  • pentagynous — (of plants) belonging to the order Pentagynia, characterized by the presence of five styles or pistils
  • petroglyphy — the skill or procedure of making rock carvings
  • petrography — the branch of petrology dealing with the description and classification of rocks, especially by microscopic examination.
  • phagocytize — (of a phagocyte) to devour (material).
  • phagocytose — phagocytize.
  • photoglyphy — the art or process of engraving using the action of light
  • photography — the process or art of producing images of objects on sensitized surfaces by the chemical action of light or of other forms of radiant energy, as x-rays, gamma rays, or cosmic rays.
  • phycologist — the branch of botany dealing with algae.
  • phytography — the branch of botany dealing with the description of plants.
  • piatigorsky — Gregor [greg-er] /ˈgrɛg ər/ (Show IPA), 1903–76, U.S. cellist, born in Russia.
  • pictography — the use of pictographs; picture writing.
  • piscatology — the art or science of fishing.
  • planetology — the branch of astronomy that deals with the physical features of the planets.
  • polygenetic — Biology. relating to or exhibiting polygenesis.
  • polyglotism — able to speak or write several languages; multilingual.
  • polygonatum — a plant of the genus Polygonatum
  • potteringly — in a pottering fashion, slowly
  • primatology — the branch of zoology dealing with the primates.
  • prodigality — the quality or fact of being prodigal; wasteful extravagance in spending.
  • propagatory — to cause (an organism) to multiply by any process of natural reproduction from the parent stock.
  • proselyting — a person who has changed from one opinion, religious belief, sect, or the like, to another; convert.
  • protogalaxy — the large concentration of gas and dust from which a galaxy is formed.
  • protogynous — of or relating to a flower in which the shedding of pollen occurs after the stigma has stopped being receptive; having female sex organs maturing before the male.
  • prototyping — The creation of a model and the simulation of all aspects of a product. CASE tools support different degrees of prototyping. Some offer the end-user the ability to review all aspects of the user interface and the structure of documentation and reports before code is generated.
  • proxy fight — a contest between factions of stockholders in a company, in which each group attempts to gain control by soliciting signed proxy statements for sufficient votes.
  • psychotogen — a substance that causes a psychotic reaction.
  • pteridology — the branch of botany dealing with ferns and related plants, as the horsetails and club mosses.
  • ptyalagogic — saliva-inducing
  • ptyalagogue — an item that causes the flow of saliva
  • pyrgeometer — an instrument for measuring the loss of heat by radiation from the earth's surface
  • pyrogallate — a salt or ether of pyrogallol.
  • pyrogenetic — heat-producing
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