
9-letter words containing t, l

  • altdorfer — Albrecht (ˈalbrɛçt). ?1480–?1538, German painter and engraver: one of the earliest landscape painters
  • alter ego — Your alter ego is the other side of your personality from the one which people normally see.
  • alterable — capable of being altered.
  • alterably — In an alterable manner.
  • altercate — to argue, esp heatedly; dispute
  • alternant — alternating
  • alternate — When you alternate two things, you keep using one then the other. When one thing alternates with another, the first regularly occurs after the other.
  • althusser — Louis. 1918–90, French Marxist philosopher, author of For Marx (1965) and Reading Capital (1965): committed to a mental hospital (1981) after killing his wife
  • altigraph — an instrument that measures altitude and records the measurements graphically
  • altimeter — An altimeter is an instrument in an aircraft that shows the height of the aircraft above the ground.
  • altimetre — (nonstandard, and, now, largely obsolete) Alternative form of altimeter.
  • altimetry — the science of measuring altitudes, as with an altimeter
  • altiplano — a plateau of the Andes, covering two thirds of Bolivia and extending into S Peru: contains Lake Titicaca. Height: 3000 m (10 000 ft) to 3900 m (13 000 ft)
  • altissimo — (of music) very high in pitch
  • altitudes — Plural form of altitude.
  • alto clef — the clef that establishes middle C as being on the third line of the staff
  • altricial — (of the young of some species of birds after hatching) naked, blind, and dependent on the parents for food
  • altruists — Plural form of altruist.
  • aluminate — a salt of the ortho or meta acid forms of aluminium hydroxide containing the ions AlO2– or AlO33–
  • aluminite — a mineral, hydrous aluminum sulfate, Al 2 (SO 4)(OH) 4 ⋅7H 2 O, occurring in white, chalky masses.
  • alumroots — Plural form of alumroot.
  • alveolate — having many alveoli
  • amalekite — a member of a nomadic tribe descended from Esau (Genesis 36:12), dwelling in the desert between Sinai and Canaan and hostile to the Israelites: they were defeated by Saul and destroyed by David (I Samuel 15–30)
  • amalthaea — the goat that nurses Zeus (Jupiter): one of its horns is called the cornucopia
  • amatorial — of or relating to lovers or lovemaking; expressive of love: amatory poems; an amatory look.
  • amberlite — various insoluble cross-linked polymers used in water-treatment processes and in pharmacy
  • ambiently — In an ambient way.
  • ambulante — a portable tea table, used in 18th-century France.
  • ambulated — Simple past tense and past participle of ambulate.
  • ambulates — Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ambulate.
  • ambulator — a person who walks
  • ambulette — a motor vehicle designed for transporting disabled people
  • amoralist — a person who adheres to the doctrine of amoralism
  • amorality — not involving questions of right or wrong; without moral quality; neither moral nor immoral.
  • ampholyte — an amphoteric electrolyte
  • amplitude — In physics, the amplitude of a sound wave or electrical signal is its strength.
  • ampullate — Having an ampulla; flask-shaped; bellied.
  • anabolite — a product of anabolism
  • anacletus — flourished 1st century a.d, pope 76–88.
  • anaclitic — of or relating to relationships that are characterized by the strong dependence of one person on others or another
  • anaglypta — a type of thick embossed wallpaper
  • analeptic — (of a drug, etc) stimulating the central nervous system
  • analgetic — a painkilling drug
  • analities — Plural form of anality.
  • analogist — a person who employs or argues from analogy.
  • analytics — the part of logic having to do with analyzing
  • anaplasty — Surgery. reconstruction or restoration, especially by plastic surgery, of a lost or injured part.
  • anatolian — of or relating to Anatolia or its inhabitants
  • ancestral — You use ancestral to refer to a person's family in former times, especially when the family is important and has property or land which they have had for a long time.
  • anciently — in ancient times
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