
16-letter words containing t, i, p, a

  • shorthand typing — shorthand and typing
  • shorthand typist — A shorthand typist is a person who types and writes shorthand, usually in an office.
  • sick as a parrot — very disappointed
  • singapore strait — a strait between Singapore Island and the Riau Archipelago at the S end of the Malay Peninsula: shipping channel between the South China Sea and the Malacca Strait. 65 miles (105 km) long and 10 miles (16 km) wide.
  • slap in the face — smack on the cheek
  • sleep like a top — a toy, often inversely conical, with a point on which it is made to spin.
  • sleeping draught — any drink containing a drug or agent that induces sleep
  • sleeping partner — silent partner.
  • small/fine print — The small print or the fine print of something such as an advertisement or a contract consists of the technical details and legal conditions, which are often printed in much smaller letters than the rest of the text.
  • social pathology — a social factor, as poverty, old age, or crime, that tends to increase social disorganization and inhibit personal adjustment.
  • sodium pentothal — the sodium salt of thiopental sodium.
  • sodium perborate — a white, crystalline, water-soluble solid, NaBO 2 ⋅3H 2 O or NaBO 3 ⋅4H 2 O, used chiefly as a bleaching agent and antiseptic.
  • sodium phosphate — Also called monobasic sodium phosphate. a white, crystalline, slightly hygroscopic, water-soluble powder, NaH 2 PO 4 , used chiefly in dyeing and in electroplating.
  • solid propellant — a rocket propellant in solid form, usually containing a mixture or combination of fuel and oxidizer.
  • sony playstation — Playstation
  • south plainfield — a city in N New Jersey.
  • southern baptist — a member of the Southern Baptist Convention, founded in Augusta, Georgia, in 1845, that is strictly Calvinistic and active in religious publishing and education.
  • spaghetti squash — a variety of a widely cultivated squash, Cucurbita pepo, having edible flesh in the form of spaghettilike strands.
  • spanish chestnut — Castanea sativa
  • spanish omelette — an omelette made by adding green peppers, onions, tomato, etc, to the eggs
  • sparking voltage — the minimum voltage required to produce a spark across a given spark gap.
  • sparring partner — a boxer who spars with and otherwise serves to train a boxer who is preparing for a bout.
  • speak for itself — be self-evident
  • speak in tongues — to engage in glossolalia
  • speaking trumpet — a trumpet-shaped instrument used to carry the voice a great distance or held to the ear by a deaf person to aid his hearing
  • special interest — special-interest group (def 1).
  • specific gravity — the ratio of the density of any substance to the density of some other substance taken as standard, water being the standard for liquids and solids, and hydrogen or air being the standard for gases.
  • spectroheliogram — a photograph of the sun made with a spectroheliograph.
  • speech therapist — sb who treats speaking disorders
  • spelling mistake — error in writing a word
  • spin the platter — a game in which one member of a group spins a platter on its edge and a designated member must catch it before it falls or pay a forfeit.
  • spinone italiano — one of an Italian breed of large all-purpose hunting dogs having a short wiry coat, solid white or white with light brown or yellow patches in color.
  • spiral staircase — stairs that wind round
  • spiritual healer — a faith healer
  • spiritual incest — marriage or a sexual relationship between persons related by spiritual affinity or with a person under a solemn vow of chastity
  • spiritualization — to make spiritual.
  • spit-and-sawdust — (of a pub) shabby, dirty, and basic
  • spreader-ditcher — a machine for shaping and cleaning roadbeds and ditches and for freeing tracks of ice and snow by plowing and digging.
  • spreading center — a linear zone in the sea floor along which magma rises and from which adjacent crustal plates are moving apart.
  • spreading factor — a substance, as hyaluronidase, that promotes the diffusion of a material through body tissues
  • spring mountains — a mountain range in S Nevada extending to the California border. Highest peak, Charleston Peak. 11,919 feet (3635 meters).
  • stage production — a play or show which is performed on stage
  • stamp collecting — Stamp collecting is the hobby of building up a collection of stamps.
  • stamp collection — the act of collecting postage stamps as a hobby
  • standing cypress — a plant, Ipomopsis rubra, of the southern U.S., having feathery leaves and clusters of red and yellow flowers.
  • stannic sulphide — an insoluble solid compound of tin usually existing as golden crystals or as a yellowish-brown powder: used as a pigment. Formula: SnS2
  • start-up capital — capital used to set up a new business
  • state capitalism — a form of capitalism in which the central government controls most of the capital, industry, natural resources, etc.
  • stationary point — a point on a curve at which the tangent is either horizontal or vertical, such as a maximum, a minimum, or a point of inflection
  • stephen f austinAlfred, 1835–1913, English poet: poet laureate 1896–1913.
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