
14-letter words containing t, i, p, a

  • unpoeticalness — the quality, state, or characteristic of being unpoetic
  • unpraiseworthy — not worthy of praise
  • unprecipitated — to hasten the occurrence of; bring about prematurely, hastily, or suddenly: to precipitate an international crisis.
  • unpremeditable — capable of being premeditated
  • unpremeditated — done deliberately; planned in advance: a premeditated murder.
  • unpresidential — of or relating to a president or presidency.
  • unproportional — having due proportion; corresponding.
  • unreciprocated — to give, feel, etc., in return.
  • unscripturally — in an unscriptural manner
  • unsophisticate — not sophisticated
  • unspiritualize — to deprive of spiritual qualities
  • unsplinterable — unable to be splintered
  • unsympathizing — not sympathizing; not offering sympathy; unsympathetic
  • upgradeability — an incline going up in the direction of movement.
  • upton sinclairHarry Ford, 1876–1956, U.S. oil businessman: a major figure in the Teapot Dome scandal.
  • utility player — a player who is capable of playing competently in any of several positions
  • vapour density — the ratio of the density of a gas or vapour to that of hydrogen at the same temperature and pressure
  • variable-pitch — (of a propeller) controllable-pitch.
  • varsity sports — sports involving the main or first teams at a high school, college, or university
  • vector graphic — a computer image that is stored in memory as lines rather than a series of dots, allowing it to be rotated or proportionally scaled.
  • vishakhapatnam — a seaport in Andhra Pradesh, in E India, on the Bay of Bengal.
  • vital capacity — the greatest amount of air that can be forced from the lungs after maximum inhalation.
  • voltaic couple — a pair of substances, as two different metals, that when placed in a proper solution produces an electromotive force by chemical action.
  • waiting period — a specified delay, required by law, between officially stating an intention and acting on it, as between securing a marriage license and getting married.
  • wall pellitory — pellitory (sense 1)
  • walpurgisnacht — (especially in medieval German folklore) the evening preceding the feast day of St. Walpurgis, when witches congregated, especially on the Brocken.
  • washington pie — a Boston cream pie with raspberry jam instead of custard between the layers.
  • waste disposal — A waste disposal or a waste disposal unit is a small machine in a kitchen sink that chops up vegetable waste.
  • water plantain — any of several marsh plants of the genus Alisma, esp A. plantago-aquatica, of N temperate regions and Australia, having clusters of small white or pinkish flowers and broad pointed leaves: family Alismataceae
  • water purifier — a device that purifies water
  • water sapphire — a transparent variety of cordierite, found in Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and elsewhere, sometimes used as a gem.
  • water scorpion — any of several predaceous aquatic bugs of the family Nepidae, having clasping front legs and a long respiratory tube at the rear of the abdomen: capable of biting if handled.
  • watering place — British. a seaside or lakeside vacation resort featuring bathing, boating, etc.
  • waxleaf privet — an evergreen shrub, Ligustrum japonicum, native to Japan and Korea, having leathery leaves and large clusters of small white flowers.
  • well-appointed — attractively equipped, arranged, or furnished, especially for comfort or convenience: a well-appointed room.
  • well-practiced — skilled or expert; proficient through practice or experience: a practiced hand at politics.
  • well-practised — having or having been habitually or frequently practised in order to improve skill or quality
  • whirlpool bath — a bath in which the body is immersed in swirling water as therapy or for relaxation.
  • white elephant — a possession unwanted by the owner but difficult to dispose of: Our Victorian bric-a-brac and furniture were white elephants.
  • white mariposa — a Mariposa lily, Calochortus venustus, having white or pale lilac flowers.
  • white sapphire — a colorless variety of corundum, used as a gemstone.
  • whitetip shark — Also called reef whitetip shark. a smooth dogfish, Triaenodon obseus, having white-tipped dorsal and caudal fins and occurring inshore among the reefs in the Pacific and Indian oceans and the Red Sea.
  • willow pattern — a decorative design in English ceramics, depicting chiefly a willow tree, small bridge, and two birds, derived from Chinese sources and introduced in approximately 1780: often executed in blue and white but sometimes in red and white.
  • with a capital — You can use phrases such as 'Life with a capital L', to emphasize that a word has a particular significance in the situation you are talking about.
  • with open arms — the upper limb of the human body, especially the part extending from the shoulder to the wrist.
  • writer's cramp — spasmodic, painful contractions of the muscles of the thumb, forefinger, and forearm during writing.
  • xerophytically — As a xerophyte.
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