
13-letter words containing t, i, p, a

  • somatopsychic — of or relating to the effects of the body on the mind.
  • sophistically — of the nature of sophistry; fallacious.
  • sophisticated — sophisticated.
  • space fiction — a book, film, TV series, etc, set in outer space
  • space heating — the heating of a limited area, as a room, by means of a heater (space heater) within the area.
  • space lattice — lattice (def 4).
  • space station — an orbiting manned structure that can be used for a variety of purposes, as to assemble or service satellites, refuel spacecraft, etc.
  • space tourism — travel into space for recreational purposes
  • spaghettilike — resembling spaghetti
  • spanish topaz — citrine (def 2).
  • spastic colon — a chronic condition of recurring abdominal pain with constipation or diarrhoea or both
  • spathiphyllum — any of various tropical plants of the genus Spathiphyllum, having a white or green spathe and a spike of fragrant flowers and often cultivated as an ornamental.
  • speaking part — a part in which the character speaks scripted dialogue
  • speaking tube — a tube for conveying the voice over a somewhat limited distance, as from one part of a building or ship to another.
  • speaking type — a device on a medal or coin that has a punning reference to a person or thing.
  • special agent — an investigator in a law enforcement agency.
  • special staff — all staff officers assigned to headquarters of a division or higher unit who are not members of the general staff or personal staff.
  • specialities' — specialty.
  • specific heat — the number of calories required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance 1°C, or the number of BTU's per pound per degree F.
  • specification — the act of specifying.
  • spectatorship — the state of being a spectator
  • spectral line — a line in a spectrum due to the absorption or emission of light at a discrete frequency.
  • speculatively — pertaining to, of the nature of, or characterized by speculation, contemplation, conjecture, or abstract reasoning: a speculative approach.
  • speed skating — ice skating as a form of racing, usually on an oval course and against other competitors or the clock.
  • spenta mainyu — the good and creative spirit that is the offspring of Ahura Mazda.
  • spermatangium — the organ that produces spermatia in red algae.
  • spermatogenic — relating to the development of spermatozoa
  • spermatotoxic — spermotoxic.
  • spermatotoxin — spermotoxin.
  • sphagnologist — a person who studies sphagna
  • splatter film — a film containing many scenes of violent and gruesome murders.
  • splitting adz — a heavy stone tool used by prehistoric peoples in northwestern North America and northeastern Asia.
  • spoiler party — a third political party formed to draw votes away from one of the two major parties, thus spoiling its chance of winning an election.
  • spontaneities — the exhibiting of actions, impulses, or behaviour that are stimulated by internal processes
  • sporting lady — a prostitute.
  • sportscasting — the reporting of a sports event by radio or television broadcast.
  • sportsmanlike — a man who engages in sports, especially in some open-air sport, as hunting, fishing, racing, etc.
  • sportsmanship — the character, practice, or skill of a sportsman.
  • spread option — spread (def 25b).
  • spreadability — capable of being spread; easily spread: a soft, spreadable cheese.
  • spring beauty — any American spring plant belonging to the genus Claytonia, of the purslane family, especially C. virginica, having an elongated cluster of white flowers tinged with pink.
  • spy satellite — an orbiting satellite used to carry out surveillance of an enemy country or military formations from space
  • stader splint — a splint consisting of an adjustable metal rod with a steel pin at either end for insertion in the bone above and below a fracture.
  • staff captain — a person who assists the master of a large ocean passenger vessel, being especially responsible for safety apparatus, fire and lifeboat drills, etc.
  • stage whisper — a loud whisper on a stage, meant to be heard by the audience.
  • stamp machine — a machine used for stamping documents, as with the time, etc
  • stand up with — to act as a wedding attendant to
  • standard lisp — A subset of Lisp 1.5 developed by A. Hearn primarily for implementing REDUCE. It was replaced by Portable Sandard LISP.
  • standing chop — (in an axemen's competition) a chop with the log standing upright
  • standing crop — the totality of living things in an ecosystem at a given time.
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