
13-letter words containing t, i, p, a

  • pronunciation — Rare. an act or instance of declaring publicly; pronouncement: It was but the latest pronunciation of the political double-standard uttered in the course of this scandal. Synonyms: declaration, assertion, statement; announcement, affirmation; proclamation, promulgation, dissemination.
  • prophetically — of or relating to a prophet: prophetic inspiration.
  • proportionate — proportioned; being in due proportion; proportional.
  • propositional — the act of offering or suggesting something to be considered, accepted, adopted, or done.
  • propraetorial — of, or relating to, a propraetor
  • proprietarily — belonging to a proprietor.
  • proprietorial — the owner of a business establishment, a hotel, etc.
  • prosecutorial — of or relating to a prosecutor or prosecution: prosecutorial zeal.
  • prostaglandin — Biochemistry. any of a class of unsaturated fatty acids that are involved in the contraction of smooth muscle, the control of inflammation and body temperature, and many other physiological functions.
  • prosthodontia — the branch of dentistry that deals with the restoration and maintenance of oral function by the replacement of missing teeth and other oral structures by artificial devices.
  • proteinaceous — Biochemistry. any of numerous, highly varied organic molecules constituting a large portion of the mass of every life form and necessary in the diet of all animals and other nonphotosynthesizing organisms, composed of 20 or more amino acids linked in a genetically controlled linear sequence into one or more long polypeptide chains, the final shape and other properties of each protein being determined by the side chains of the amino acids and their chemical attachments: proteins include such specialized forms as collagen for supportive tissue, hemoglobin for transport, antibodies for immune defense, and enzymes for metabolism.
  • proteoclastic — of, related to, or initiating proteolysis
  • protestantism — the religion of Protestants.
  • protestantize — to convert or cause to conform to Protestantism.
  • proto-elamite — the indigenous script of Elam, found on inscriptions and tablets from the fourth millennium b.c.
  • protoactinium — protactinium.
  • protonotariat — the prelates of the Roman Curia
  • prove a point — If you prove a point, you show other people that you know something or can do something, although your action may have no other purpose.
  • proverbialist — a person who composes, records or uses proverbial expressions
  • provincialist — a native or inhabitant of a province.
  • provinciality — provincial character.
  • provocational — the act of provoking.
  • provocatively — tending or serving to provoke; inciting, stimulating, irritating, or vexing.
  • prudentialism — a regard for prudential, rather than moral, considerations
  • prudentialist — a person who acts prudentially
  • prudentiality — prudential nature or practice
  • pseudesthesia — phantom limb pain.
  • pseudoaquatic — not aquatic but indigenous to moist regions.
  • psilanthropic — relating to psilanthropism
  • psychasthenia — Psychiatry. (no longer in technical use) a neurosis marked by fear, anxiety, phobias, etc.
  • psychasthenic — a person who has psychasthenia
  • psychosomatic — of or relating to a physical disorder that is caused by or notably influenced by emotional factors.
  • psychotically — Psychiatry. characterized by or afflicted with psychosis. Synonyms: (in nontechnical usage) insane, psychopathic, lunatic, mentally ill; mad, disturbed, deranged, demented, non compos mentis. Antonyms: sane; compos mentis, clearheaded, lucid.
  • public health — health services to improve and protect community health, especially sanitation, immunization, and preventive medicine.
  • pull a fastie — to play a sly trick
  • pulverization — to reduce to dust or powder, as by pounding or grinding.
  • punctuational — punctuated equilibrium.
  • pupil teacher — a young person who plans to be a teacher and who spends part of his or her time in preliminary education undertaking teaching duties under the supervision of the head-teacher
  • puritan ethic — work ethic.
  • puritan spoon — a silver spoon having an ovoid bowl and a straight, flat, completely plain stem.
  • purple martin — a large American swallow, Progne subis, the male of which is blue-black.
  • pursuit plane — (formerly) an armed airplane designed for speed and maneuverability in fighting enemy aircraft.
  • pusillanimity — the state or condition of being pusillanimous; timidity; cowardliness.
  • pyrimethamine — a potent substance, C 1 2 H 1 3 ClN 4 , used against susceptible plasmodia in the prophylactic treatment of malaria and against Toxoplasma gondi in the treatment of toxoplasmosis.
  • pyrolytically — in a pyrolytic manner
  • pyrotechnical — of or relating to pyrotechnics.
  • pythian games — (in ancient Greece) the second most important Panhellenic festival, celebrated in the third year of each Olympiad near Delphi. The four-year period between celebrations was known as a Pythiad (ˈpɪθɪˌæd )
  • quadricipital — (anatomy) Of or pertaining to the quadriceps.
  • quadripartite — divided into or consisting of four parts.
  • quadruplicate — one of four copies or identical items, especially copies of typewritten material.
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