
13-letter words containing t, i, p, a

  • pater patriae — Latin. father of his country.
  • paterfamilias — the male head of a household or family, usually the father.
  • paternalistic — the system, principle, or practice of managing or governing individuals, businesses, nations, etc., in the manner of a father dealing benevolently and often intrusively with his children: The employees objected to the paternalism of the old president.
  • path-breaking — very original; ground-breaking
  • pathogenicity — the disease-producing capacity of a pathogen.
  • pathognomonic — Medicine/Medical. characteristic or diagnostic of a specific disease: a pathognomonic sign of pneumonia.
  • pathomorphism — abnormal morphology.
  • patriarchally — of or relating to a patriarch, the male head of a family, tribe, community, church, order, etc.: my father's conservative, patriarchal ways.
  • patrifocality — the system or fact of being patrifocal
  • patriot's day — the third Monday in April, a legal holiday in Me. and Mass. commemorating the battles of Lexington and Concord (April 19, 1775)
  • patriotically — of, like, suitable for, or characteristic of a patriot.
  • patriots' day — the anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord (1775), celebrated the third Monday in April: a legal holiday in Massachusetts and Maine.
  • patripotestal — Anthropology. of or relating to the authority exercised by a father or a father's blood relatives.
  • patronization — to give (a store, restaurant, hotel, etc.) one's regular patronage; trade with.
  • patronizingly — displaying or indicative of an offensively condescending manner: a patronizing greeting, accompanied by a gentle pat on the pack.
  • pattern-drill — (in foreign-language learning) a technique for practicing a linguistic structure in which students repeat a sentence or other structure, each time substituting a new element, such as a new verb, as directed by the teacher, or transforming the original structure, as in changing a statement to a question.
  • patternmaking — a person who makes patterns, as for clothing or metal castings.
  • pauperization — the act or process of making a pauper of or impoverishing
  • pay attention — be attentive
  • pay the piper — a person who plays on a pipe.
  • peace studies — a field of political science which examines how to reduce conflicts
  • peak district — a region of N central England, mainly in N Derbyshire at the S end of the Pennines: consists of moors in the north and a central limestone plateau; many caves. Highest point: 727 m (2088 ft)
  • pearl tapioca — a food substance prepared from cassava in granular, flake, pellet (pearl tapioca) or flour form, used in puddings, as a thickener, etc.
  • pearly whites — white and lustrous as a pearl.
  • peccatophobia — an abnormal fear of sinning.
  • pedal cyclist — a person who rides a pedal cycle, as opposed to a motorcycle
  • pedantocratic — of or relating to pedantocracy
  • pedestrianism — the exercise or practice of walking.
  • pedestrianize — to go on foot; walk.
  • pedicellation — having a pedicel or pedicels.
  • peirastically — in a peirastic manner
  • pelican state — Louisiana (used as a nickname).
  • pelletization — the act of forming or shaping into pellets
  • penalty point — an endorsement on a driving licence due to a motoring offence
  • peneplanation — an area reduced almost to a plain by erosion.
  • penetratively — in a penetrative manner
  • peninsularity — the state or fact of being a peninsula
  • pennyfarthing — a high bicycle of an early type, with one large wheel in front and one small wheel behind.
  • pentadactylic — having five digits on each limb
  • pentastichous — (of plant leaves) arranged in five vertical rows
  • pentasyllabic — a word or line of verse of five syllables.
  • pentatonicism — the use of a five-tone scale.
  • penthemimeral — (of a caesura) occurring after the first penthemimer of a poetic line, i.e. in the middle of the third foot
  • pentobarbital — a barbiturate, C 1 1 H 1 7 N 2 O 3 , used as a hypnotic and as a sedative.
  • penultimately — in penultimate position; lastly except for one
  • peptidoglycan — a polymer, consisting of polysaccharide and peptide chains, responsible for the structure of the cell wall of bacteria
  • peptonization — to subject (food) to an artificial, partial digestion by pepsin or pancreatic extract in order to aid digestion.
  • perambulation — to walk through, about, or over; travel through; traverse.
  • perchlorinate — to combine with the maximum proportion of chlorine.
  • perditionable — deserving perdition or damnation
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