
12-letter words containing t, i, p, a

  • pantechnicon — a furniture van; moving van.
  • pantisocracy — a community, social group, etc, in which all have rule and everyone is equal
  • pantophagist — an omnivore
  • panty girdle — women's control pants
  • paper profit — an unrealized profit due to the appreciation of something owned but not yet sold.
  • paper-weight — a small, heavy object of glass, metal, etc., placed on papers to keep them from scattering.
  • papistically — in the manner of the Roman Catholic Church or a Roman Catholic
  • paracentesis — puncture of the wall of a cavity to drain off fluid.
  • paracystitis — inflammation of the connective tissue around the urinary bladder.
  • paradigmatic — of or relating to a paradigm.
  • paraesthesia — an abnormal sensation, as prickling, itching, etc.
  • paraesthetic — paresthesia.
  • paragnathism — the condition or fact of having upper and lower jaws of equal length
  • paralation c — Paralation embedded in C. Under development.
  • paralyzation — to affect with paralysis.
  • paramagnetic — a body or substance that, placed in a magnetic field, possesses magnetization in direct proportion to the field strength; a substance in which the magnetic moments of the atoms are not aligned.
  • parameterise — to describe (a phenomenon, problem, curve, surface, etc.) by the use of parameters.
  • parameterize — to describe (a phenomenon, problem, curve, surface, etc.) by the use of parameters.
  • paramilitary — noting or pertaining to an organization operating as, in place of, or as a supplement to a regular military force: a paramilitary police unit.
  • paranthelion — a bright spot in the sky caused by refraction and occurring at an angular distance from the sun of between 90° and 140°
  • paraphrastic — having the nature of a paraphrase.
  • parasitaemia — the condition of having parasites in the blood
  • parasiticide — an agent or preparation that destroys parasites.
  • parasitology — the branch of biology dealing with parasites and the effects of parasitism.
  • parchmentize — to treat (paper or the like) so that it resembles parchment.
  • parenthesize — to insert (a word, phrase, etc.) as a parenthesis.
  • parietal eye — Zoology. a median outgrowth of the diencephalon anterior to the pineal apparatus, having visual adaptations in many anamniotes and lizards.
  • parity check — a method for detecting errors in data communications or within a computer system by counting the number of ones or zeros per byte or per word, including a special check bit (parity bit) to see if the value is even or odd.
  • parity error — (storage, communications)   An error discovered by the inclusion of a parity bit.
  • parma violet — a variety of the sweet violet, Viola odorata, that is the source of an essential oil used in perfumery.
  • paroccipital — of or relating to the part of the skull next to the mastoid process; paramastoid
  • parochialist — a parochial character, spirit, or tendency; excessive narrowness of interests or view; provincialism.
  • paronomastic — the use of a word in different senses or the use of words similar in sound to achieve a specific effect, as humor or a dual meaning; punning.
  • parrot tulip — a variety of the cultivated tulip Tulipa gesnerana, having variously colored, often double flowers with fringed petals.
  • part-writing — the aspect of composition concerned with the writing of parts, esp counterpoint
  • partial tone — one of the pure tones forming a part of a complex tone.
  • partializing — to bias.
  • participable — capable of being shared.
  • participance — participation.
  • participancy — participation.
  • participated — to take or have a part or share, as with others; partake; share (usually followed by in): to participate in profits; to participate in a play.
  • participates — to take or have a part or share, as with others; partake; share (usually followed by in): to participate in profits; to participate in a play.
  • participator — to take or have a part or share, as with others; partake; share (usually followed by in): to participate in profits; to participate in a play.
  • particolored — having different colors in different areas or patches; variegated: a parti-colored dress.
  • particularly — in a particular or to an exceptional degree; especially: He read it with particularly great interest.
  • particulates — very small particles of a substance, esp those that are produced when fuel is burned
  • parting line — the line at which two closed dies or two halves of a mold meet.
  • parting shot — a threat, insult, condemnation, sarcastic retort, or the like, uttered upon leaving.
  • partisanship — an adherent or supporter of a person, group, party, or cause, especially a person who shows a biased, emotional allegiance.
  • partitioning — Partitioning is when a solute is distributed between two phases in a separation process.
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